Killer to Possess

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, I want to thank all of you for your patience with the story and let you know that updates will be happening every two weeks now. Instead of two chapters, I will be posting four since this works better with my new work schedule. Thank you for understanding, and I hope that you enjoy the new chapters. I hope that you have a wonderful evening, afternoon and morning ^-^! 

No matter how many times he asked her to enjoy the movie, she'd glance back over to him shortly as if expecting answers every few minutes. At one point, he even took the snack he brought her and wrote to her that he wouldn't give it back until she actually watched the movie instead of him. That placed an adorable pout on her lips and caused her to roll her eyes, but he did give her the snack back.

The movie was now at a point where one of the spirits began possessing the teen and convinced him to kill again. Soon, the basement's tools went missing, and the woods behind the house became a place of nightmares for those he killed, the one spirit happy to be rid of the house for those times. As the possession continued, the teen lost more and more of himself while the spirits overall became stronger. Every night became a terror for the family, and it was leading up to the point where the son would turn on the family and kill them all if the other spirits didn't get to them first.

During that whole time, he did write a few notes to (f/n) to tell her that some of the moves of the teenager/spirit he had used himself, but he had been more careful in retrieving victims and covering up his crimes. The movie did indicate that police were starting to become suspicious of the teen and family in general given how some people had seen the missing persons last with the son. If it weren't for the spirit, the teen would've been caught very early on.

Regardless, Lee was more interested in her reactions to his answers. She did look a little disturbed by him admitting that he had hung up a person by their legs, but he hadn't been the one to swing the bat. No, it had been the girlfriend of the man, who wanted revenge after finding out that she had been cheated on multiple times by him. Just a few nudges here and there, along with the promise of him dating her after she killed her boyfriend did the trick. But, he knew that she had cheated too, and she had met quite the fate in a bathtub one evening.

There was another incident where he had placed someone into a ditch with only a knife. In the film, the teenager had watched the person go mad and eventually kill themselves from loss of hope and not wanting to endure dehydration and hunger. In his case, though, he had put two people in separate ditches. They had been brothers who had been planning to ruin the other's business all for the sake of impressing their strict father. If one sacrificed themselves, the other would go free. Well not really, but they hadn't needed to know that. The result was a few days of yelling at each other and watching them go mad. Neither sacrificed himself, and one even had thrown the knife up and over in an attempt to kill his brother. Surprisingly, the knife had made it into the other ditch, but the other brother had dodged in time. Both died of dehydration.

Besides being disturbed, (f/n) appeared speechless. Each time, she'd look at her lap before her eyes went to the movie and then back to him. But, he could see the cogs in her mind turning. She was trying to figure out why he would commit such acts. If there was some sort of a reason behind them. He wondered if with those two incidents she could tie them together to their sources: lies. Those were his targets, the ones who lied to each other. Then when they knew the truth, he'd watch his victims destroy themselves one way or another.

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