Witness to Cherish

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Home. (F/n) never thought that it'd feel so unwelcoming. The key was in her right hand, but it wasn't in the lock. She simply stood outside the door. Her heartbeat wasn't steady. Lee was inside unless he decided to leave, but the door was locked; he didn't have a key. He could've gone out one of the windows, but she doubted that he would. Why would he invest himself so much in Anita's behavior and in her own life otherwise?

When she heard footsteps on the sidewalk, she glanced to her right. There was a group of friends leaving one of the houses down the street. So as not to look odd, she finally placed the key in the lock and turned it. A sigh left her, and she walked inside. She closed the door and locked it behind her. Perhaps, she should've left it unlocked, but she already was inside, and Lee already was there. Leaving it unlocked might've given her another second of escape time if she chose to run due to him becoming violent all of a sudden, but she was so drained from the evening that she didn't think one extra second would do anything.

Rather, she thought it better just to go up to her room and watch a movie. Maybe, he'd see how exhausted she looked and actually care enough not to bother her about the evening. As her feet carried her towards the stairs, she saw him lean against the doorframe to the dining room leading to the kitchen. His arms were crossed over his chest, and she wondered if he was smirking. Almost, she glared in his direction. Instead, she focused on the stairs and headed up.

One step at a time, she made her ascent, but she paused on the fourth step when she felt something hit her back. She didn't even have to glance back to know what it was. (F/n) turned around and picked up the piece of paper. It didn't go well? That was a major understatement, and she folded the paper back up before she threw it to him and continued walking. Behind her, she heard the creaking. Maybe, she shouldn't piss him off, but she also just wanted to be alone.

Scott had given her a conversation she needed, and she appreciated that. But now, she wanted to be on her own. Everything from the night she wanted out of her head so that she could have a peaceful sleep, but that probably was too hopeful, especially when the creaking grew closer.

Plastic grabbed her left wrist. "Can you ask tomorrow night?" Her voice was quiet. She didn't have the energy to make it louder. It remained around her skin a moment longer before his grip loosened, and she was able to pull her wrist away. "Than-" (F/n)'s voice was cut off when he suddenly pulled back on her, and a scream left her lips.

No stairs greeted her, though. Instead, plastic arms held her up before they fully lifted her up. Surprised and not comfortable at all, she glanced up to him quickly and exclaimed, "What are you doing?! Put me down!" He completely ignored her and carried her up the stairs as though they were a couple. "Seriously Lee! Set me down!" She, not thinking in that moment, hit his chest hard before she winced, and he acted like nothing had happened. Lee did adjust her in his arms while he headed for her room. (F/n) huffed roughly and crossed her arms since she had tried pushing herself out of his arms. All that did was tighten his hold on her.

Entering her room, he walked over to her bed and set her down. Her (e/c) optics watched him carefully the whole time, and he headed over to her desk. "What was that about? And, I really meant it." Her voice was harsh and impatient now. "I don't want to talk now. Or, tonight at all." She crossed her arms. "Can't you just wait?" A note soon flew over to her.

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