25 - The demons that roam the Scheldt

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"I do not think the forest would be so bright, nor the water so warm, nor love so sweet, if there were no danger in the lakes

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"I do not think the forest would be so bright, nor the water so warm, nor love so sweet, if there were no danger in the lakes."
-C.S. Lewis

An urge. An instinctive pull she couldn't place. Her feet wouldn't listen to her, they went their own ways. In the meantime, she had already arrived at her bedroom window, with one swift movement she opened it. A cool gust of wind cut through her clothes, but she wasn't cold. Lisa stood on the window frame and stared down. Definitely two floors down. With her fear of heights, she would normally cling to the wall, but now she didn't. She wasn't even a bit scared, she knew what was expected of her. She leaned forward gently and closed her eyes.

"Lisa!" A shrill cry yanked her from her dream. She opened her eyes expecting to be in her bed, but she was standing on the window frame just like in her dream. Startled, she lost her balance.

She heard Jonathan run into the room behind her, the door must have been blown open by the wind. She staggered awkwardly and Jonathan pulled her back, away from the window. Disoriented, she pushed him away from her. "Have you gone insane?" he cried, though he didn't look angry, rather shocked. The fog before her eyes began to disappear and she could see more clearly.

Jonathan sat against the wall while she had fallen on her bed, his face was bright red. "What were you doing?" She felt like laughing and crying at the same time. Maybe I'm still dreaming, she thought. He got up and clasped her face with his hands, they were warm against her cold skin. "Lisa, say something." It sounded like a plea. She was suddenly aware of a pain she hadn't felt before, her shoulder was burning. Sure, it could be the dagger's poison. She felt her back get warm and wet.

"By the Angel-" Jonathan ran his hand over her back, there was blood on it. She looked into Jonathan's eyes, they looked wild. Lisa heard herself breathing heavily, her eyes rolling in their sockets. She could hear Jonathan calling for Anna when her eyes closed.


Lisa was awakened by loud snoring. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could see Anna's silhouette sitting in the beanbag. She had probably stayed with Lisa to watch over her. She sat straight up in her bed, someone had tucked her under. She quickly glanced at her alarm clock, it was still the same day, luckily she hadn't slept a full day again. The alarm clock indicated that it was two o'clock in the morning.

Her pajamas were stiff with blood, she went to the bathroom and put on her uniform. Lisa felt as if she had slept for days and felt wide awake. When she got back to her room, she smiled at Anna again, as if she could see it. Lisa grabbed her spare bow and quiver from under her bed and crept out of the room.

She felt like she shouldn't be here in the middle of the night. But she knew she wouldn't sleep again until she researched this. She slipped into her study and flopped into the leather chair. Lisa turned on the old lamp and opened the drawer of her desk. She reached for the dagger from the drawer and took her stele from her gear pocket. Holding the dagger, she drew a search rune on her arm. The rune should lead her directly to the dagger's owner. Maybe Anna had already tried it, maybe not, at least she had to experience it for herself.

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