3 - New shadowhunters

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"While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats."
-Mark Twain

Lisa woke up from the sound of her alarm clock, still half asleep, she threw a glance at the clock, it was half-past seven. With a sigh, she stood up and got dressed.
Lisa put on her favourite - and only - dress, a light blue one with lace. She had to look a bit decent when they received the guests. Lisa approvingly looked at herself in the mirror. She was still a bit exhausted from yesterday, but she tried to smile.

Lisa walked to the kitchen and saw that Jonathan was already awake, no matter how hard she tried, he was always awake before her. He still had his pyjamas on and was baking a pancake. Lisa threw a doubting look at the pan, it could also be an egg. They greeted each other and Lisa automatically began to set the table.

"I'm going to wake up the little ones," Jonathan informed. He always calls his brother and sister the "little ones", even though they are only five years younger.

"Wouldn't you put on some clothes first?" Jonathan took a confused look at himself.

"I don't know what to wear," he said breathlessly.

Today, their parents came back from Idris, the homeland of the shadowhunters. They often had to go there for business. That wasn't the only reason everyone had to wear their best clothes, today two new shadowhunters arrived. They had been normal mundanes - people - with the Sight. Some mundanes had the Sight, which meant they can see the shadow world, all the demons, elves, werewolves... They were traced by the shadowhunters and were allowed to attend the Academy in Idris, to be trained. They learned the basic knowledge from this world for two years. When they had finished their education, they were allowed to drink from the Mortal Cup, to become a shadowhunter. Drinking from the Mortal Cup was dangerous, if you weren't "worthy" enough, you could die.

There are two students from the academy who came to the Institute in Antwerp to complete their training. They hadn't really gotten much information about them.

"But can't you to wear something decent?" Jonathan shrugged.

"I will see. And could you wake Anna?"

"I have to do the nasty work again," Lisa threw her arms in the air and walked to the corridor, "by the way, your eggs are burning." She threw a sideways look at the blackened substance.

"It's a pancake!" Jonathan said and he quickly turned off the stove.


Anna loved sleeping way too much and Lisa usually had some tricks up her sleeve, to wake her up. She opened her door, it was still dark. She pulled the curtains wide open, sunlight shining through the Gothic window, but Anna kept sleeping. Her room was full of books and her own paintings and drawings, she was a very creative person. She played piano and violin and she was a good fighter too.
Lisa felt sorry for her, because she had to wake her up so early, after what happened yesterday. No mercy, Lisa, she strictly said to herself.
You could play the trumpet - no wait, a with a whole orchestra - in front of her bed, she wouldn't wake up. But if you dare to touch her, she immediately wakes up.

Lisa poked with her finger in Anna's cheek, she immediately woke up and jumped in karate position out her bed, knocking Lisa down with the sudden movement. Let's say it's a shadowhunter instinct. Anna's bad leg just couldn't retain and she fell back on her bed.

"Do you have to wake me up like that every time?" she complained. Lisa had no intent to get up and kept laying on the ground. In that position, she looked up at Anna.

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