30 - Suffering and redemption

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"You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering

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"You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering."
-Ernest Hemingway

There was dead silence in the Institute as the three tumbled out of the Gate. They were standing in the great hall, on the first floor. Anna looked around anxiously, it was too quiet. She glanced at Jonathan, who was obviously also wondering where everyone was. Normally Max was here reading, or Lot was jumping on the furniture. Lisa looked exhausted and Anna felt her heart tighten, she felt awful about what happened to her father. She was afraid that Lisa would bottle up all the anger and sadness, shutting it up in a small room. As she had done all these years. She was about to give her a hug when a loud scream came from the far-right hallway. Anna recognised her brother's voice immediately. Jonathan was the first to move and headed for the kitchen. He kicked in the door, ready to attack. The kitchen smelled great and she saw Olivia holding a plate of cookies. In her eyes, she saw a mixture of concern and confusion from Jonathan's sudden invade. Anna's eyes scanned the room, looking for Max. He stood by the oven and clenched his left hand.

"You can't just touch the hot griddle, Max." Arthur was bend over him and tried to grab Max's hand. Anna saw he was in pain, but tried his best not to cry. Lisa had that same look in her eyes.

Her hand went automatically to her stele, then she realized Max was too young to get iratzes. She didn't notice Moira until she moved towards Max. The sorceress knelt in front of Max and held out her hand. With complete childlike confidence, Max placed his aching hand in hers. Anna sucked in her breath when she saw the red burn on his palm. Moira passed his hand with a casual movement, although Anna could see that she was very concentrated. The skin healed and the wound disappeared, without any scar. She gave Moira a grateful look, who winked briefly at Anna. Lot approached her with the plate of cookies.

"Olivia taught us how to bake cookies!" Anna looked gratefully at Olivia, who blushed in response. Jonathan happily took a cookie, Lisa seemed nauseous, but took a cookie anyway. Anna glanced at Max again, to make sure he was okay. He was happily eating a cookie and seemed to have already forgotten the incident. She accepted a chocolate chip cookie from Lot to reassure her. It wasn't until she had finished the cookie that she noticed the curious looks of Arthur, Olivia, and Moira. She heard Lisa blow out her breath and Anna looked at her inquiringly.

"I suppose you want to know about-," she sighed and pointed to her back, where her wings would be. Arthur nodded eagerly and Lisa sat down. She told them everything she'd told her and Jonathan, but left out a few details. Like how her father had screamed when he wore the Iron Crown, or Lisa said she wanted to kill the Seelie Queen. Anna knew she meant it.

Arthur breathed out. "Those elves are terrible," he concluded.

"Not all elves are bad, Arthur, you mustn't judge an entire nation for the actions of a single person," Moira said sharply. Arthur looked up in shock and apologised to no one in particular.

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