38 - Bow for the evil

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"She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one

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"She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one."
-Sarah J. Maas

"Come on Anna, try harder." A venomous look came in Jonathan's direction, he dropped his fists on the table in frustration. He knew his sister was doing her very best, but every second counted. He paced across the room, he had to know where Lisa was.

"Stop it. I can't concentrate like this." Anna closed her eyes again and kept her hand on the parabatai rune. Their bond should have given her a sense of where Lisa was, but that seemed more challenging than she first thought. Olivia caressed her back with concern as if she could pass her strength on to Anna.

Jonathan's patience ran out, he stormed out of the room. If he had stayed with Lisa for just one more minute, she might not be gone by now. Again he slumped to the ground. If he hadn't been so stupid and scared.

"Jonathan?" Arthur had appeared beside him out of nowhere, placing a hand on his shoulders. The curly-haired boy looked at him with concern. "Are you OK?"

Most of all, he wanted to shout to the boy's face that all was lost. All his dreams, his hopes. What if Anna didn't find her? She could have disappeared just like Thomas, he was definitely behind this. Maybe Lisa had run off with him. Jonathan whimpered at the thought, causing Arthur to stare at him even more confused.

Before he could ask any further questions, Olivia stuck her head through the doorway. She had pressed her lips together, her green eyes seemed to be storming. Without another word, Jonathan got up and went back to the room. To his great irritation, he heard Arthur follow. He found his sister on the floor, rocking herself and babbling words.

He hesitated. "Is that how it's supposed to go?" He squatted next to Anna, her eyes closed in full concentration and unable to distinguish words in her babbling.

"It depends on how strong their bond is," he heard Arthur mutter, "if it's too weak, it'll be her end." He pulled a strand of hair from Anna's face and tucked it behind her ear. Sweat beaded on her forehead. He closed his eyes, praying that Lisa was okay.

A hand closed around his wrist, when Jonathan opened his eyes again, he was staring straight into his sister's. "She's in the Seelie Court." She and Olivia exchanged glances. Why would anyone take her to the fairy realm? "I saw an underground tunnel, a starry room and," her gaze shifted to him, "I saw Thomas." She was quick to say that Lisa is unharmed, but he was already up. They had to go there immediately.

Olivia sounded panicked as she spoke. "We need to get your parents involved. He probably kidnapped her."

"No," he sighed against his better judgment. "They'll involve the Clave in this, they'd slow us down or not let us help at all. Besides, we told them Thomas went back to the Institute in England."

Anna nodded briefly, confident in her brother's decision. Although he also saw the hesitation in her eyes. "How in Angel's name are we ever going to get to Seelie? Their magic blocks our Portals."

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