I am Sub

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St.Louis one of famous collage of Mumbai not becoz studies was good but kids of richest families studies here.Full of attitudes.

Kavin is a bad boy and purvi is a wrost girl.They both are famous for their rivalness in collage.

Kavin do bad ,purvi stop him ,she do anything he is against her .

They are enemies ,both study in same year but the fight is not for grades ,not for famousity and not for boyfriends / girlfriends .

But for sub / dom thing.Kavin being a bad boy has top almost all girls on bed except one Purvi the badass girl .He never ask her becoz she always tease him with a nickname 'sub'.Which he surely was not..

Purvi was not so fucked up like him but she enjoys and control boys as she want to becoz she is badass and too dominant to control.


"sub ! Go away!"Purvi said mumbling while having a fistful of a boy's hair in her hands who was crying while kavin was against her,saving the boy.

She has dream to put collage's bad boy under her ,hearing his moans not that man's usual domminant groan ,she want to dominant him ,she want to see his bottomself whimpering ,moaning and screaming her name becoz of pleasure she is going to offer him.

But he always laugh it off when she tease him saying him sub ,because of his tiny waist and white soft skin all ready for hickeys.

"fuck off"he mumbled to all students who was gathered around .

"sub! I warn you!"she threaten as she saw him removing her hand from boy's her and pushing him out of library who ran from there saving his life.

"what the heck ?sub ?"she yell pushing him who as always has poker face which purvi wants lewd from pleasure.

"stop calling me sub ,i will stop doing that!"he frown in frustration .

Purvi's angry expression turn into a smirk and she look at him with hungry eyes before pushing him on to wall ,he hit his back straight and he close his eyes in pain.

Purvi made cage with her arms before taking a fistfull of his hairs and pulling him to her level.

"i can prove you are a sub!"she whisper in a deep voice against his ear.

He chuckled slightly "girls are born to sub !"he whisper back in a tiny voice.

"bet?"she ask in a husky voice smirking like something's great is happening

"whatt?"he mumbled looking in her eyes.

"Do you bet ,that you will let me prove you are sub or i m sub,it will be a 50/50 ,if you top you win and if i top which i will i win and you will accept you are ultimate bottom and will be my sub ! What say?"she explain and make sure her voice doesn't sound excited.

Kavin look at her before craking in a laugh "you sure you didn't pass out?"he ask laughing.

"why you think so?"she ask frowning leaving his hairs.

"because little me is big!"he says smirking .

"ahh! Its not what we say a top thing just bet and i will take you on another level !"she explains smiling.

"you sure ,you can walk after that?"he ask chuckling.

"you sure you can keep yourself top ,sub!"she teases back smirking

"then , bet done lets see you tonight ,anywhere you think you can go home soon ,after that!"he whisper in deep voice but purvi's smirk just grow bigger.

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