Will you?

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Dex nods as she finishes up in her tiny voice that shows nothing but fear. Fear someone else put there that I have no way to take away. My fists tighten at my side as I pace behind my brothers. I want to find those fuckers and make them suffer. I want to hold her and tell her I won't ever hurt her, that I will protect her always.

The door closes behind her and I throw a nearby wooden chair at the wall, sending pieces flying as my brothers shout at me to stop. I can't stop though as I pound my fist into the wall. Someone hurt my woman, My Woman, someone caused so much hurt to her that she still fears it. It haunts her, I could hear it in her voice.

"Fuck! What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?" The words spill out like acid in my throat burning me with their anger as I continue to hit the wall, knuckles bleeding. "How the fuck does that happen? Shit! How do I fix this? I can't even imagine how she could tell you fuckers this but you forced her. Why did you make her do that? Why?"

Grim pins me to the wall, not meaning to hurt me but trying to make me pay attention. "Calm the fuck down. Static is checking some things out for us but I needed to make sure. That woman could endanger the whole club. I had to test her. I am sorry brother."

I growl as I rip his arm off of me, stepping away. I want to hit him. I want to but I won't. "Did she pass your little test?"

"Depends. You claiming her as your old lady?" Grim challenges with his brow raised, his free hand scratching his beard. He knows exactly what happened between me and Kate, exactly why I didn't trust women.

"If she accepts." I don't even think about it as I answer him. I trust Hex and I can no longer picture life without her.

"Then you better go comfort your woman brother. That is your job." He releases me, letting me slide down the hole riddled wall.

Dex nods his agreement, "She will make a nice addition to Hellfire. Don't fuck this up. Its been too long since we have had a real old lady around."

I don't need more encouragement, I hurry out and into the bar area. Only I don't see her. There are the random club whores looking at me expectantly, the hang arounds who keep their heads down, and the prospects manning the bar, but no sign of Hex. I am at the bar in two strides, pulling the prospect by his collar to me.

"Where did she go?" The words come out in a low hiss and the prospects eyes get big. He is a young kid, probably just drinking age, blonde and wiry with that darkness in his eye we all seem to carry.

"She left." He does a good job maintaining his cool even as his eyes panic, I will talk to the kid later so he will hide it better.

Fuck. I'm out the door and searching the dark street in seconds, looking frantically around but the only person I spot is Abyss. Dark, broody, always on edge, Abyss. Pacing as he tends to do, mumbling to himself.

"You see a girl leave?" My panic filled voice causes his wild, black, eyes to lock on me for a moment. He is a bit unstable, he might not have even noticed her. "Please man."

His eye twitches, but he just points down the road. He isn’t much of a talker, my fellow enforcer communicates better with violence. I give him a nod and run down the road.

It doesn't take long to find her, limping, barefoot. I hurry to catch up but as she hears me she spins around looking broken. Her face streaming tears, her green eyes filled with disbelief, confusion. Did she think I would not follow her?

I slow my approach as she goes rigid, hands balled tightly before her, knuckles white. I take a step toward her, then another, watching her green eyes darken as she watches my every move. I call her name, she visibly shudders. She is fighting with something.

Another step, my voice remaining soft not wishing to spook her. "Hex, baby."
Her glassy eyes shoot to my lips then to the ground as she shakes her head. She starts to tremble. "You don’t have to...." Her voice quakes. "You don't have to pretend I am not damaged goods…How could you possibly want me? I am broken. Soiled. Disgusting. No one wants someone like me...no one. Too dirty."

"Stupid woman!" I snap, not liking what she is saying about herself. "You are mine! You don’t get to leave me! Not over this!"

My hand finds her wrist this time as I close the gap, I am not letting her run off in this state while someone is threatening her. No. I will protect her. Even if she isn't happy about it.

"Why Adrian? I don’t see a reason to continue this.… I have been told before how spoiled goods are not girlfriend material." Her voice is high and filled with panic as the tears continue down her flushed cheeks. Her past is causing this. "You don't have to pity me..."

"Baby, no. I am not like that asshole." I pull her into my chest trying desperately to wipe her tears as I wrap my arms around her trembling form. "You are still you. Nothing has changed. You are still my girl, no one else. Never anyone else."

Her eyes slowly look up at me, her lashes kissing her reddened cheeks damp with tears as she blinks up at me. The look in her eyes is captivating, a mixture of desire, devotion, and trust that has me picking her up and carrying her the few blocks back to the clubhouse. This is my woman.

We enter to my brothers confused stares, sure they had heard about her, even seen our fight at the bar or her hurting Trigger, but seeing her in my arms was different. More of a true claim without me announcing it. Walking through the main room was as close as I could get without asking her. Noone will bother her for now.

It doesn't stop my brothers from looking, gawking even, at her sexy little body. Eyes roaming over her filled with want. I growl but they just chuckle at me, after all I am the club slut. Having a steady woman is a joke to them so they stare. When Grim nods approvingly at us they finally look away.

Hurrying down the hall to my room, I don't stop until we are safely inside. Placing her gently on the edge of the bed. Her feet are bleeding.

Grabbing the first aid kit from the bathroom I kneel before her taking her foot into my hand before cleaning the cuts she got from charging down the gravel road, without shoes, near a biker bar. I want to yell about the damage she did to herself, about the danger she could have put herself in. Looking in her eyes is what stops me.

I end up pulling a shard of glass out, not large but enough that I need to bandage her. She watches every move I make but doesn't make a sound even though I know she is in pain. She doesn't even wince, just staring at me as if she was trying to figure something out.

I don't know if I should try to speak or just wait for her to be ready. I really want to beat that ex of hers for this issue she has. She deserves better.

"He told me that because I was raped that it didn’t matter he was cheating. He told me that once I had been spoiled no real man would ever want me so I should be glad he stuck around. I don't know why, but I believed it. I believed it was my fault. I wasn't good after all that happened, I had no self worth.…" Her head drops and her shoulders tremble. "You make me feel like maybe I don't deserve less because I was hurt. You make me feel wanted. Adrian…"

My name leaves her lips and I lean up, caging her in my arms. My nose brushes her cheek, jaw, neck. I want to hear her say it so badly. My chest feels tight, I am expecting too much.

"Adrian, I love you." The words barely out as our lips meet in heated passion, teeth nipping, licking, until we must part for air.

"I love you too Hex." Fuck, I said it. Swallowing hard I force out a laugh, go big or go home. "Be my old lady?"

Her eyes go wide, her cheeks red. I watch her perfect mouth open and close like a fish out of water and can't help but find it adorable no matter how nerve-wracking. I don’t think I have ever felt this nervous, only now as I hold myself over her prone form on my bed.

A nervous laugh escapes me as her eyes get damp. "Come on baby, you are scaring me."

A smile breaks across her features as her shaking hand cups my cheek. I can't help but lean into her as she studies my face for a moment. "Yes…I will be your old lady."

My arms wrap around her as I fall to the side, pulling her tightly to my chest as she giggles. I feel a stupid grin take over my face but I don't care. She said yes.

Charming Hex :hellfireWhere stories live. Discover now