the end

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Putting the last box down I wipe the sweat from my brow. The furniture had mostly been left behind, just the bookshelves came with me. The club had purchased the house from me at a really nice rate, claiming they needed more properties, though I kinda feel they felt guilty. Adrian had even cleared out space for my things so it would be more our home.

He is at the clubhouse right own, said he had something to do but he wouldn't share. At this point though it is okay, I trust him. I think it is time to give him that, he won't betray me. I have about an hour until he said I should stop by so I head to his shower needing to wash the move off me.

After the shower I throw on some gray cargo pants and a black tank top, not bothering with undergarments as I hope to incentivise him into hurrying home. The clubhouse is not terrible to hang out in but besides Rubie, the other women are sex toys for the club brothers. I had heard Trigger had an old lady but she skipped town after yet again catching him cheating, just yesterday from what Rubie sent me.

The drive is uneventful, though I am in Adrian's truck as my baby is still in the shop. The prospects at the gate quickly let me in, surprising me when I don't have to stop as usual. They must have radioed in too because before I can even park Adrian is coming out to greet me.

No sooner do I put it in park and kill the engine am I being wrapped in strong comforting arms. His nose trails down my neck as his chest rumbles, making my knees weak with the sound. My man is sex on legs.

"Hey baby, I missed you." He mutters while placing soft kisses on my face, his amber eyes sparkling with all the love he has for me.

I can't deny it, he gets a sparkle there when he looks at me. His gorgeous eyes filled with so much emotion that I have a hard time fathoming it. I wonder what he sees when he meets my eyes.

"Hi." I squeak as he pulls me to his chest, kicking the truck door closed behind me.

He sticks out his bottom lip a little before adding the puppy dog eyes. Giggling I lean in to his neck, placing a kiss just below his ear before whispering that I missed him too. His expression brightens, a smug grin as he confidently carries me inside, straight through one set of double doors, across some sort of lobby with wide stairs, and turning right heading back out another door.

His feet seem to hurry but I can't look as his hand has snaked behind my head pressing me firmly into his body. I can feel his heart hammering in his chest, his breath trembling.

"Adrian?" I keep my voice soft but he still jumps at the sound.

He goes stiff, stopping in his tracks before looking down at me and allowing me to look at him. He is chewing on his bottom lip, his eyes uncertain. Taking a few deep breaths in he smiles.

"Close your eyes for a moment baby." He uses a soothing tone as he releases my neck after gently rubbing the area he had held. Instead he swings me around so that I have switched sides. "Please."

Nodding, I close my eyes. My palms lay over his chest, reassuring me since I can't see. "I trust you Adrian."

He gives me a light squeeze before he starts walking again. Gravel moves beneath his feet then wood before he sets me on a bench. Releasing me from his arms, I can feel the chill in the air. I can hear him step back before something rattles and I can hear him softy curse.

"You okay love?" I tease but keep my eyes closed, not wanting to spoil his surprise.

He chuckles and takes my hand in his. "Open your eyes baby."

Opening my eyes I see the large pavilion gazebo, made of several different shades of woods, the bench I am on has a small table set up with a tray of food and drinks, a silk table cloth thrown over top. A single rose sits in the center.

But all of that pales in comparison to the site of that beautiful man down on one knee before me, a small black velvet box in his hand. He doesn't look me in the eye as he kisses my hand. I can feel how nervous he is so I bring my free hand up to stroke his cheek, giving my best reassuring smile.

"Hex, baby, I know this is fast but when you know , you know, and baby I know. My life has been flipped on its side since we met and it is amazing how much I love you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?" He finally glances up at my tear streaked face and his smile almost drops.

"Happy tears." I wave away his concerns. "I would love to be your wife babe."

"Fuck yeah." He pumps his arm at his side making me giggle.

He slides the single stoned ring on my finger and I can't help but think its perfect for me. Not chunky, not over fancy, just simple, practical. I love it.


I shake my hand out trying to releave the pain in it but it doesn’t really help. The slight hiss from my lips earns me a glare from the club girl laid out on the floor in front of me but she doesn't go to move. I probably wouldn't have hit her had she not come up spilling lies, trying to insert herself where she didn't belong.

She came up claiming she had slept with my man the last two nights and I couldn't help but chuckle, mostly because he was with me at the supposed time and in the very place she claims it happened. Our house, our bed. She must not have heard that I moved in with him.

I begin to rub my knuckles with my other hand and I see her eyes go wide. I can see something break inside her head for a moment before she slumps forward. I almost feel bad for her, almost. She isn’t a girl I recognize and she seems fairly green.

Looking her over before I walk away I insure that she is still conscious. I may not like the girl right now but I wouldn’t leave her in danger, and well I have heard stories about some of these men. Drunk bikers seem to gossip more than teenage girls.

Back up the stairs onto the lower deck, passed the hot tub and up to the pool deck, I can feel eyes on me. Appraising eyes that seem to be evaluating my every move as I head to the small table Adrian occupies with Ice and another man I don’t recognize.

"Hey baby." Adrian drawls, the slight drunk tone making me giggle as he takes my hand and pulls me in his lap pressing his face into my neck. "I love you. So fucking much. We are gonna get married and your gonna be with me all the time."

Ice puts a hand over his mouth trying not to laugh hut the other man is not so subtle, cackling like a fool hand slapping the table. Raising my brow I shoot Ice a questioning look.

"So you're the lady that tamed the whore then?" The cackling man asks, pushing a large tattooed hand through his curly red hair. "I have heard allot, specially from this drunk sod. Names Preacher."

I nod and shake his hand when it is offered. "Hex."

"He is gonna marry us baby." Adrian coos in my ear as he runs his nose along my cheek. "I can't wait till you're my wife."

"He has been planning to ask you since before you know?" Ice softly offers up. "Never seen a brother more in love."

Adrian huffs, his warm breath causing goosebumps on my skin.

"When were you thinking of tying the knot then?" Preacher asks.

My eyes go to Adrian as his head whips up. "I will let you know."

"Give me a few days heads up, don't know where I will be."

The men continue to drink and talk as I lean against Adrian's chest, his arm cradling me to him. This is where I want to be and I am so glad I found my luck, my charming ass biker.

Leaning in to his neck I whisper the words I know he wants to hear. "I'm not wearing any panties."

And we are off as he shouts farewells, me thrown over his shoulder giggling and happy. My luck, my love, my old man.

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