Bad luck again?

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My head throbs slightly as I register what is happening, someone hit me. I shift into park and unfasten my lap belt. I can feel warmth on my face and I know I have a cut on my brow from the steering wheel. The door creaks as I open it, swinging my legs out before sliding back across the seat.

Glancing up I see the truck that hit me as its door opens and out steps a large shadow. Watching him approach I feel frozen in place. Was it one of them? My heart is leaping in my throat cutting off my air.

He bends down and a large hand grabs my leg but I actually feel relieved seeing his unfamiliar face. He isn't one of them, this man doesn't scare me. No, I can't be scared right now.

Instead I am pissed he damaged my car. Irritated that I now have a throbbing head wound. Livid he is part of all of this. This has been such a shit day. I just need to catch my breath.

Suddenly he yanks, my ass slides across the leather making the tell tale squeak. My other leg I use to try to free myself from his grip, trying to pivot my weight around but its no use. This guy probably has a good fifty pounds on me. Guess I know where I am aiming.

My boot connects with the large oafs head as he tries to pull me from my vehicle by my ankle. I can hear the wet crunch from the sudden pressure against his face. He falls backwards enough for me to get free and reach under my seat, whoever this man is he isn't going to take me without a damn good fight. I just need to reach just a little further.

The leather of the holster against my fingertips makes hope swell in me for a moment. The man is clutching his disfigured cheek and looks disoriented for long enough for the weapon to be free and in my hand. I bring it level with his chest as his eyes go wide, his hands shooting up, palms open. I hadn't expected this.

"They didnt pay me enough for this shit.I don't have a beef with you personally and would like to rethink this." The man chokes out but I just flick the saftey off.

"Talk then, who sent you?" My voice is flat, cold. I don’t particularly like the sound. It reminds me too much of when I was working through trauma, when I couldn't face anyone, not even myself.

"Some brothers, met them through my cousin." He is sweating profusely, blood dribbling from his nose. Ah my trauma, those damned brothers, again."Said they were gonna rough you up for stealing from them."

Looking closer, he isn't very old, nineteen, maybe twenty. He is about six foot and built like a linebacker so I can see why he got the job but the dumbfounded look on his bloodied face tells me he is more innocent than this. Stupid kid, maybe this will scare him straight.

What a lame excuse as well, theft. Theft of what? I almost laugh.

"I am not a theif and those men are pure evil. Their brother is in jail for stalking me and setting fire to a home. This is revenge, not collections kid. This is definitely not something you want involved with." My words are firm, my eyes rarely blinking as panic begins to sink in my gut. Even if he leaves those men are still out there.

I don’t lower the weapon as I gesture for him to leave. It only takes a moment for him to catch on and he is on his feet and hobbling away as fast as he can. I'm sure he is rethinking his life right about know. I take a few deep breaths before the realization hits me.

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