Those who escaped (1)

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"Myth says that Defiler left this morning, he had Sin follow and I am waiting for an update. Trigger saw a van pull into the loading dock this morning and a familiar looking female left inside it. I looked over some footage and she seemed to be  heading our way but I… Lost her near the east side of town….to much traffic and some downed cameras…not sure where she parked it but I got keys. She may have made stops before sneaking in here." Static nervously scratches his chin before continuing, his screen changing to the overhead shot of the warehouse. "There are two guards at the main door, two on the loading dock, that leaves ten inside with mostly small arms, pistols, one did have a shotgun according to Trigger. Nothing too big. Shifts change at five am and five pm…."

"Defiler ran." Grim barks as he walks in the meeting with a frown. He looks pissed but it is a fairly normal scowl that graces his face. "Booked a flight to Colorado, left ten minutes ago."

Static begins to frantically tap away at the keys. His attention on the new news and how that affects our raid. The boy is a planner that is for sure.

"He left?" Dex growls out,  slamming his palms against the tabletop. "Again? Fucking pussy."

"You know this asshole Dex?" I look over at our Vp, my face surely showing how surprising this news is to me.

Dex nods but he looks livid. His face has gone so red its almost purple. "Bitch always runs, not a brave bone in that man unless he is threatening women. Lots of us older crowd knows who he is."

"I am finding out why he left now." Static hums. "He got a call, lawyer, based out of northern Colorado. What ever it was must have been important or he wouldn't abandon revenge. Let me look for a bit, I will find out why." 

The look on Dex's face says we aren't getting anymore out of the old man right now and noone tries. Members begin to talk among themselves, acting cocky. Sure fourteen guys are not much for us to take, only a small crew needed to go but I was gonna be on that crew. 

"So who is going with me?" I stand, feeling impatient to get back to my woman. Maybe I won't be able to kill all her monsters but half is a damn good start.  "Defiler may have ghosted but the rest aren't leaving that warehouse tonight."

"I'm going man. She is a good girl and she is good for you." Ice stands immediately, not letting anyone else speak first. "Even if it took you a while to pry your head out of your ass."

"Plus with you out of the game it means more pussy for the rest of us." Gear snorts in a mixture of amusement and horror, like it is a disease he might catch.  "Old ladies.."

A chuckle breaks the tension.

"Me too, I am coming too. I owe these boys something in place of their brother. It has been a long time coming." Dex announces, his voice dripping malice, before turning and marching to the armory. 

Abyss grunts from beside me and I know he is in, not for any sappy reason like friendship or revenge but because he wants to inflict pain on others, he finds it cathartic. He is a scary fucker but I am glad he is one of us. 

He flexes his tattooed arms as his fists tighten, ready. We just point him in the right direction and people die. He doesn't talk much though. I think he might have been a soldier but who knows. We all have our secrets and our reasons to keep them.

"You boys ready then, Myth and Trigger are waiting a few blocks out from the location, Sin will meet you there."  Grim checks us over as he speaks, before grinning. "Clean up will wait for your call. Watch your backs."


Seeing that tall, wiry, man standing next to the road I shake my head, I can only imagine how he is doing having been stuck out here with Trigger of all people. Myth came to us about six years ago, straight off the boat from Japan. He is the best tattoo artist we have, plus he is damn fast with those knives of his, but one thing he is not is a talker. No, this man only spoke when necessary and for a while many of us wondered about his grasp of english, ended up more well spoken than most.

"Myth." Dex greets him as we dismount our bikes. "How is it looking? That fucker is loosing two brothers today."

"Kuso…" Myth mumbles under his breath at Dex's outburst before looking in the direction I assume the warehouse is in. "Ah, they ordered pizza about ten minutes ago.."

"How are you doing man?" Ice asks with a knowing smirk on his lips. His blonde hair is wind ruffled and his blue eyes serious, he cares about my woman. The two seem to have bonded in a strangely platonic way. "Trigger deserve death yet?"

"He is lucky we are brothers." Myth states while shaking his head. "He is…what is it called… Sanpo no kokku…Prissy rooster, I don't recall the saying." 

Everyone chuckles, except Abyss who paces in anticipation. We all understand where he is coming from even if we don't exactly get what he is saying. Prissy Rooster, Trigger won't live this down.

"Sin back yet?" My eyes dart behind him, I am ready for this to be over with. I got a woman to get back to, the thought alone has me wishing that we could just blow them all to pieces and call it a day, but no, these men would suffer and they deserve every bit of it.

"He…went for the pizza." Myth smirks, reminding me of the cold, calculated man, he truly is. They must have planned something already. 

Sin trains dogs, living in a shed out behind the main building. The man is more likely to be caught reading a book on his little porch than partying it up with the rest but he is certainly a force, put together with Myth and the two can give Abyss and I a run for who is more dangerous. The two are smart, educated, strategy comes easy to them.

I am glad they are here. 

With that thought Trigger appears, waving us towards an alleyway. The idiot has a grin on his face and I know right then that Myth and Sin must have infinite patience because even I cannot deal with Trigger when he is looking to annoy. He is worse than drunk Gear, and that is saying something.

"Deviant." Trigger snickers as we step closer. His voice is rough and I can tell he has been chain smoking. "Suprised you aren't still buried in that magic pussy, tired already?"

He is doing it on purpose, I can see it in his eyes. Taunting me.

"If you are done can I get a turn? Bitch owes me for my wrist." He brings up his bandaged appendage with a scowl on his face. "I mean you probably already wreaked that but I don’t mind. Plenty of other holes."

My fists are clenched, my jaw clenched. I want to hit him, I do, but a little voice tells me I have more important things to focus on right now. I can hit him when we are done. After this is settled. Taking a deep breath I ignore what he is saying, walking past him to a waiting shadow, tall, muscular, holding a pizza warming bag. 

We are ready.

An: a little short, sorry.

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