Giving in

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She is gorgeous, perfect even. Her dark hair loose, wearing jeans and an oversized hoodie that falls off her narrow shoulder exposing pale skin. I can't help but pace as Grim and Dex get up and pass by with disappointment on their faces. I know that they are disappointed in me. I have spoken with each one of them about her, hell I talked with anyone who would listen. Gushing like a damn teenage girl about the intoxicating woman who took out my target that night.

I still want her, even after having tasted her. Hell now I want her more and I feel like a damn addict jonesing for a fix. That's what I am though. I see it now. She is my drug. My drop dead sexy little drug.

Ice gets up looking concerned, leaving her alone, and I see my chance to explain myself. Not that I have any clue as to what I can say to explain abandoning her. I need to talk with her, I need her to give me another chance. I rack my brain to come up with something to make this better.

I push past a sloppily drunk Trigger who has spotted my woman sitting alone and I give a possessive growl to warn him off but he just laughs and walks away. I am not playing around, I will pound his face in. Drunk or not he knows that she is mine.

Taking her in, her nervous demeanor and agitated gestures, I know she will run from me if I don't stop her. So I slip in the booth next to her without a word, trapping her between myself and the wall. Crossing my arms over my chest I notice her shrink away. I did this, I made her like this with me. She no longer trusts me.

"Hex?" I keep my voice soft, trying to not agitate her. I want to hold her, touch her, kiss her, but I hold back. "How is my girl?"

Her head snaps up, her cold green eyes locking on mine with a scowl. Her voice in choppy but filled with venom. "Don't know. Maybe you should find her and ask her yourself?"

I sigh and run my hand through my hair as I try to play it off. "What are you on about? I am asking her?"

She looks around, wide eyed, before shaking her head. "Funny. I don't see any girl that fits that bill here. Perhaps the woman on your phone could direct you. She sure seemed to want you home."

My eyes narrow as I remember the texts in my phone. Shit. Another fucking thing I need to apologize for. "That bitch means nothing to me, just some club whore who thinks I will claim her. Dumb."

"Mmmm…club whore. Guess we are in the same boat, me and her." She hisses as she takes another drink.

"No, baby. No. You are not a club whore."

"Nope. Could have fooled me." She pops the p as she says it. "Just your whore then?"

"Fuck. No." I see the hurt in her and throw my arm over her shoulder in a sorry attempt to comfort her. "You are not a whore. I messed up so bad. I know, but you are no whore. I never thought of you as a whore. Give me another chance. Please."

She leans into me for a moment and I relax against her, taking in her sweet smell. I missed her, gods I did. Her hands rest on my chest and my heart starts to race. Has she forgiven me?

My answer comes swiftly as my jean clad ass hits the cold concrete floor and she steps over me with a frown. Her voice is soft but scolding as she pauses. "You are right. I am no whore but I am also not yours. You fucked that up, no one else."

I right myself as she walks away, her hips swaying hypnotically as she heads to the bar looking every bit as bad ass as I know she is. She is right, it's my fuck up. She stumbles a bit as she reaches the bar, closing out her tab before turning around right into Trigger.

I stand watching as he throws an arm around her shoulder, my hands clenching into fists. I take a few steps closer and I can see the drunk predatory gleam in his eye. This has gone too damn far for my liking. Trigger may be my brother but that is my woman.

Trigger leans down and tries to kiss her as he cops a feel, my blood is boiling in my veins and I know I am growling. I storm forward but don't make it in time before Trigger falls forward, landing on his knees, screaming. Hex holds his hand in hers, his fingers at a unnatural angle.

"You fucking cunt." Trigger screams and the bar falls quiet. "Just cause you got a magic pussy or some shit don't mean you gotta play hard to get. Dumb bitch."

Hex wrenches his arm back with her knee against his back. Her eyes are cold and her voice calm but threatening. "Don't touch me. I won't warn you a third time Trigger."

She lets go, allowing Trigger to collapse to the ground, howling in pain. I stand dumbfounded as she looks around with her alcohol and rage clouded eyes before she locks on me. A few steps later and she is scowling up at me.

It is adorable. I know I shouldn't think that about a woman who just broke my brother's hand but I can't help it. Her angry scowl that pulls her eyebrows together and causes her nose to wrinkle, the way I can tell she is arguing internally with herself. Her green eyes darting across my pathetic face as if I might hold the answers.

Her hand comes up as her face softens and she gingerly strokes my stubbly jaw. Instinctually I lean in, into her soft touch, her warm hand. I miss her so much. She pulls away and I miss the warmth for but a moment before it is replaced by a sharp sting.

I hear people gasp and someone call my name in warning but I just look at her. The hurt that flashes through her eyes, the pain. The harsh rise and fall of her chest. Only then do I register what happened.

She slapped me. I blink down at her, I am not angry. If any other human had slapped me they would be breathing through a hole in their neck but with her, nothing, no anger, no rage. I deserve this and so much more.

"Please Hex." I whisper softly. "I fucked up bad but please Hex, I need you."

"Adrian...I can't trust you." She leans into my chest with a soft sigh but I notice she is shaking. "I don't even know where to start. I told you things no one else knows and you betrayed that. Why?"

I feel my shoulders fall as hope leaves me. I can't, I won't, give her up. I pull her into my arms without giving her the chance to pull away, my face going to her neck. She is mine, my forever. I can't lose her.

"Please Hex. I am so sorry. Please give me another chance." I repeat over and over into her skin, praying she will relent. I don't  know how long I am standing there begging her, minutes, hours. It feels like eternity. "Please Hex."

I feel like I am on the precipice, looking down at my inevitable end in the darkness below. My chest is tight, painful, and I am gasping for air. I just continue begging as if she is my salvation.

Her hand runs up my leather covered back while the other rests over my heart, her green eyes searching over me, studying me. Her head tilts against me. "One chance… don't make me regret this."

With that she steps back out of my arms and heads for the door. I watch her as she leaves, confused by what she has just said. Why would she give me a second chance? She pauses at the door and looks back over her shoulder at me.

"You coming or not? I would like to hear your explanation in a quieter place." She states with a forced smile, her eyes speaking of how vulnerable and uncertain she is in this moment.

I know my brothers are watching and I can hear Trigger still spouting curses, demanding retaliation, but I can't help it. I blush, I fucking blush, and nod before following behind her like a puppy. She is giving me a chance, nothing else matters right now. Not the whispers, not the  knowing looks on my brothers face, not the red angry face of Kate. None of it.

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