Friendly concern

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I get to the bar early, giving myself a pep talk as I sit in a dimly lit corner booth alone. Its been just shy of a week and I can forget about him entirely. I can pretend he doesn't exist, even if he shows up he is air. I swallow hard as I repeat this in my head. I can do this.

Hogz is busy but its Friday, so what can you do? I have seen three seperate Mc's patches in the crowd, rowdy but respectful of the spirit of the bar. From what I have been told Eleanor had family in all walks of life and Hogz was founded on a sort of neutral ground aspect. A place where meetings were held, where it was okay to party and let loose, any beef would wait until the clubs could talk it out and if it couldn't wait there was a ring in the basement.

Sipping my whiskey I note the group that just entered the bar lead by Ice and Trigger. Following behind then is a angry scowl and broad shoulders covered in a cut marked President on one side and Grim on the other, long dark hair and startlingly pale eyes that search around without cease. Behind him is an older man, salt and pepper, probably in his mid fifties but very fit, wearing the same cut but with VP on one side and Dex on the other. Two younger men follow but I don't  get a good look as Adrian pops into view.

I growl under my breath and down my drink,  thankful I already have another coming. He looks annoyed, tense, but stunning as usual in his tight jeans, black tee, and cut over top. His blonde hair hangs loose over his unshaven face, thick with stubble, his amber eyes are slightly sunken but ever searching.

I slip further into the shadows of the booth as the waitress drops my drink on the table and asks if I need anything else. With a frown I pull my wallet out and hand her a twenty for a tip before ordering another whiskey on the rocks and a beer. She gives me an understanding smile before heading back to work.

I swirl the liquid in the glass for a moment, enjoying the tinkling of the ice cube, and sigh. I can do this. I have to do this. He knew. He knew enough, not everything but enough. Yet he still took off, he still had that woman asking for him. He knew and still made his choice. I am unimportant, a score he is done with. A used bed warmer.

I take a large gulp of my drink, watching him get stopped by a scantily clad blonde who looks more plastic than a grocery bag and I force my eyes away. Fuck him. I swallow hard and let my cold mask drop over my features.

"Hex!" Ice calls loudly as he approaches my booth and slides in across from me. "Started without me I see."

"Mmmm." I hum and nod. "Gotta kill some brain cells while I can. Another project starts Monday. Short stories by amateurs who won a contest."

He laughs as the two who he entered with step closer, Trigger having wandered off with the younger two towards the dance floor, Adrian still elsewhere probably with the blonde. Grim and Dex. The president and vp of Hellfire suddenly take seats, leaving me next to Grim.

"Hey there, don't believe I have had the pleasure. Names Grim." The gruff man says in a oddly polite tone, offering his massive hand to me.

"Hex." I take his hand and give a light squeeze before releasing it and going back to my beverage.

"So your her then?" Grim mutters lowly before grinning widely. "What are you drinking?"

I shake my head, I am not in the mood for a cocky biker, had one of those it didn't end well. "Whiskey on the rocks."

"How many have you had?" Ice asks.

"Third one is coming then its beer for the rest of the night, why? Worried I am gonna get shitfaced again?" I raise my brow in challenge as I ask.

"Nah, just worried for someone's sanity." Ice's blonde head tilts to where Adrian stands staring at us, not moving, looking deep in thought.

"Hardly my fucking problem." I bite out and the three men at the table all stare at me in disbelief before I gulp down my drink, setting the glass down a big to hard.

"Thought you were friends." Ice leans across the table but can't look me in the eye for long.

I am seething and I have just enough alcohol in my system to loosen my tongue. "He never wanted to be my friend."

"Fuck, could have fooled me." Dex, the older man speaks up as he lights a cigarette. "He talked about you constantly for a while there. Thought he may have found himself an true old lady."

I scoff, but say nothing. He didn't even leave a note, just a cell phone full of nude texts. I got the message.

"What an idiot."Grim mutters under his breath running a hand over his beard as he glares at Adrian. "I fucking told him not to screw this up."

Ice frowns. "How bad did he fuck up then?"

I just glance for a moment at Adrian, his hands in his pockets as he leans against a pillar, his face scrunched up in annoyance, his eyes desperate. He reminds me of a kicked puppy, a highly unstable puppy. He is muttering under his breath but stops as my eyes meet his for the briefest of moments.

"Bad.." I sigh out and droop in my seat.

"How did he fuck up? Hadn't he been on a job all week?" Dex asks.

A job. Right. His buddies can say what they want but if he really cared he wouldn't have left me like that. He wouldn't have girls sending nudes to his phone begging him to come 'home' to them. He would have called. Yeah, I blocked his number, but after five days of hearing nothing I decided I didn't need to hear his excuse.

"Did he?" I play along but I know I sound bitter. "News to me."

"Stupid fucker." Dex laughs but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Wasn't he with you?"

"Yeah. Left me sleeping." I shake my head. It didn't matter he wasn't off screwing the girl from the texts, he used me and tossed me aside. "Asshole left me in a hotel in the middle of nowhere without a way to leave."

Ice shakes his head as the other two shift in their seats. I have made them all uncomfortable. Good.

"How did you get home?" Ice looks upset by this, a vein twitching on his forehead.

"Walked to the nearest place Taxi's ran that weren't already booked up…. Four hours down the highway." I grumble out. "Needless to say I had plenty of time to think about what he did and I get it. I was a fuck he had to work for but that is where it ends. I got my own shit to deal with anyways."

The waitress appears again and drops my two beverages off with a nervous air, her hands shaking as she takes the men's orders, only Ice orders a beer. I try to ignore it but looking around I notice other things like the next booth has been vacated or that people seem to be keeping their distance. I shrug, nothing I can do about it.

"Well then, Dex, we got business to take care of." Grim nods to the older man. "It was nice meeting you Hex. Sorry my brother has more balls than brains but he will figure it out. Don't be to hard on him, he is new to this, Until next time."

The two men stand and leave, leaving Ice and I in awkward silence. I can still feel Adrian's gaze on me but I can't look up, I can't even glance at him. I have to ignore him. Ice shifts in his seat as the waitress drops his beer off and quickly darts away.

"I don't think he meant to hurt you." Ice says lowly as he sips his beer. "He just doesn't know how to do things right with women. His whole perspective is fucked. At least give him a chance to explain."

With that he stands and walks away leaving me alone with my thoughts. I shouldn't have come out tonight, I shouldn't have moved here. I shake the thoughts away, there was no changing what I have already done. I still would have kissed him, I might even have slept with him but I wouldn't have trusted him. How could I have trusted him?

My hand runs through my hair and I take a sip off my glass. I didn't notice him approach and I certainly didn't invite him to sit but there he is next to me, arms crossed, stern faced. Adrian.

I feel my heart drop in my chest as I look down at the suddenly interesting table top. I can't meet his eyes. Why is he here?

Charming Hex :hellfireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora