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We drag the unconscious male out to the shed. Abyss is rocking back and forth on his heels as I pause to open the cellar hatch. I can hear him mumbling to himself but I ignore it. No I have questions that need answered. Ones that have kept me up at night for more than twenty damn years.

Those deep hazel eyes, her long, soft brown hair. Those legs that went for days and that infectious laugh. She was my whole world, but I never told her. I took for granted that she would always be there, that no matter what I did she would stay. An attack came, we weren't prepared. Then she was just gone, not leaving a single trace behind.

Shaking the image of the woman who haunts me from my head as the hatch creaks in protest before opening. I toss the unconscious man down the hole before gesturing to Abyss to go. He shoots me a grin before dropping down the hole, not bothering with the ladder.

I follow by ladder, not as young as I once was. My knees cannot handle that shit, even the ladder is difficult some days. I am not missing out on this chance though. Closing the hatch behind me I can't help but chuckle at the soundproofing mat plastered to it. The upgrade was not the club but Abyss as he got sick of the others complaints while he was working.

He is a scary asshole for sure but right now I am relying on that fact to get what I want. Not a day goes by without me wondering what happened during that attack. Sure this isn’t the one who committed the act but these brothers are certainly close enough to share details about things.

As my feet touch the floor I notice Abyss has begun to pace, holding himself back. With a shake of my head I go to the metal cabinets in the corner and open the top left one, grabbing the smelling salts. We need this piece of shit awake or he can't answer anything.

"Tie him to the chair." My voice is rough sounding as I bark the order out, watching as Abyss doesn't hesitate to comply.

After a moment I am shoving the vial under the now restrained man's nose. He sputters a bit as his head rolls back, eyes shooting open. He cringes slightly and tries to move his arm, suddenly realizing he is tied up. Panic, fear, they cross his features rather rapidly before he even looks up to view his captors.

Abyss has stepped back, being respectful of my being present for this. It isn't something I often do, not of my own accord at least. This though, I shake the image again.

"You will answer my questions or pain will follow. Depending on your answers this can go differently for you. Do you understand?" I growl out to the man as his eyes flash to me. He nods so I continue. "Where did Defiler go?"

"After the girl." The man hurries his answer out, obviously not wanting pain. Pussy.

"What girl?" This isn't important, is it?

He laughs as he looks at my patches. "You are him aren't you?"

Anger floods my body, his eyes rest on my name. "Who?"

"Your old lady, or whatever you call your bitch, she is the one that started this...what twenty two...or three years ago." He smirks as he shrugs his shoulders, suddenly smug that he has something to hang over me. "My brother always said that all the shit back then could have been avoided if that bitch had just done her job. But nooo, she was in looove. Who was she to turn him down?"

I roll my neck hearing the crack of tension being released as my fists squeeze tightly at my sides. My voice is darker than I have ever heard it. This better not be what I think it is."Do continue."

"Told us she was a club whore, thats right isn't it? Piece of ass you pass around to your friends. She thought you were gonna save her, thought she was in love. You split town though didn’t you? Leaving her all alone, she was easy pickings." He is taunting me now and he knows it. "Real pretty thing from what I heard, real good strong genes..." he laughs again, giving a toothy grin. "Rain, wasn't it?"

My fist hits his face before I can stop it, not satisfied I hit him again and again. His nose crunches and the man begins to cry and beg. I warned him how this would go. We are going to have to wake him again.

My blood is boiling. He knows what happened to her. Was that why she left? Or was she taken? Shit had happened between us sure and I left on a job to get my head straight. Four months without seeing her, no one really saw her from what I heard. Just Eleanor and our ex President. No this shit is a distraction.

My fist collides with the concrete wall and pain shoots up my arm. I've broken something in my hand, but it is unimportant right now. Shoving another vial under his nose as I fist my hand in his hair so he wakes looking into my pissed eyes.

He sputters a bit before hissing in pain. A darkness passes over him as he again grins, now missing some teeth. Blood dribbles down his chin.

Abyss eyes me as I step back, giving him a short nod. Pulling out my cell I call Deviant and place him on speaker phone. He had questions too before we kill this man and he deserves his answers.

"Let's try this again, eh?" I ask calmer somehow as I watch Abyss dig through the cabinet for his toys. "You are going to answer. If you don't then we take our pound of flesh. I will send you to your brother in pieces if necessary."

He visibly gulps, wincing as he does from his swollen face. "Ask away."

"Why are you after my girl?" Deviant snaps through the phone.

"She hurt our nephew. Took his manhood. Let him die among strangers." The man says sternly. "She got our brother locked up. She is a plauge on our family. We were gonna kill her so John would never know. She has always been his."

Deviant is growling into the phone. "John will be getting his soon enough. And you will die among strangers too. You came after my girl, my heart, and now my brothers will take my blessings to punish you as they see fit."

I hear the phone click. Deviant has places he would rather be, holding that girl of his tight and I can't blame him. I glance at Abyss who has a meat hook in his hand and that glint in his eye. He is just waiting for my approval now.

"I am not among strangers. I know you story. Got some whore pregnant and couldn't handle it. Left her to fight for your club while carrying your unwanted child. Right?" He slowly speaks, eyes on me.

What was he even saying? I roll my shoulders back and shake my head, he is trying to get in my head again. Sure I didn't see her for a while before she vanished but this couldn't be true.

"D said he got her good though, shot her and thought he killed her." He laughs abruptly but stops whimpering in pain. "D always says the daughter is better than the mom any day. He likes em young. He shares sometimes."

She was pregnant? Why hadn't she told me? I wouldn't have stopped looking if I had known. I could have a kid out there somewhere. My body slumps forward as I wave a hand at Abyss, alerting him to hurt the man.

Shrieking sobs can be heard as Abyss shoves the meat hook through the man's left palm. He blubbers unintelligibly before gasping for air. The tang of iron, then the stench of urine. He pissed himself.

"Doesn't matter how much you hurt me, it won't change the fact your bitch is dead." He spits before screaming again as Abyss yanks the hook free.

My head whips around, a roar of anger escaping. My body feels numb, like my soul has fallen out my ass. She can't be dead. I don’t want to believe it but I know it is probably true.

She had always come back to me before, it never mattered how bad I messed up or how I treated her. It wasn't a perfect love but she was perfect. I should have treated her better. Never let that precious woman cry. I was dumb and young.

"Abyss.." my voice is clipped, cold, flat. "Flay him. Make him suffer for me."

Abyss just smirks and nods at me. He will get the job done. I wipe my hands off before heading to the bar to drown my pain. Abyss won't say anything, no one has to know about her. I bottle it up and try to forget, it is all I can do.

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