Reliving the past

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"So you new?" The blonde woman frowns at me as she unceremoniously plucks the lacy thong underwear from her ass crack before ashing her cigarette in the ashtray. "Haven't seen you here before."

I nod my head, hoping Adrian comes back soon. He had gone for some meeting leaving my at the bar in the clubhouse. No sooner had I sat down then these women began to come closer. I was already on edge, there was no way I wouldn't notice their stalking approach.

Her blue eyes look me over as if she were sizing me up and my hand is already fidgeting with the blade in my pocket. There are four of them, scantily clad and reeking of messy sex, all fairly attractive. Even in my pjs I had more clothing on than this woman.

She leans in and reaches for my face with her glittering claw like nails outstretched. Anger is present in her features but also confusion, I can tell she thinks she is in charge of something, but I am certainly not one of those things. Her voice is too sultry, too hard, obviously she doesn't mean to make friends. "Whats your name?"

"Debbie." A sharp female voice snaps from behind us. "You and the other whores need to get to work. Now."

The woman, I now know is called Debbie, smirks at me as she turn to the voice. "What about this new bitch?"

Turning, I catch the completely out of place powder pink, rock-a-billy chic, female glaring at the group of women who had circled me. A small hand flattens down a pink poodle skirt before she pushes her way to the stool beside me. Her black cat eye glasses catching the light enough to make her look menacing.

"She isn't one of you. Understand?"

"What?" Debbie seems to choke on the word as it passes her lips. "Who?"

"Now, now. You ladies don't want to hear it. It will just break you little whore hearts." The woman smirks looking vindictive. It is easy to tell she doesn't like these women.

"Who?" Debbie growls out, eyes flashing angrily.

"This lady here is with none other than our own resident man whore, Deviant. Maybe you ladies can keep your paws off him and my man now." The woman growls out. "You are running out of rungs to climb on that ladder."

Debbie launches herself at me in the blink of an eye but I manage to get my arms up just in time for us both to hit the ground, hard. Her straddling me as the rock-a-billy girl runs off somewhere. I can hear shouting from somewhere but I barely register the words as she rears back to start hitting me.

Instead I use her motion to flip us over, bringing my forehead down on her nose. One hand grabs her by the neck while the other brings my now open blade up where she can see it. Leaning into her ear I calmly state three words. "Leave me alone."

Debbie frantically nods her head indicating that she understands before I release her, blinking the blood from my eye. I don't even make it to standing before I am safely tucked under the arm of a very angry biker. His chest is moving rapidly and his breath ragged.

"What the Fuck?" He roars out to noone in particular, his hand cupping my face as he inspects the cut over my brow. I can see the panic and worry in his honey colored eyes.

"The club whores all out. Go to your rooms." Grim snaps from behind us causing the women to quickly disappear.

Adrian is coiled tight, I can feel it as he presses me against him, every muscle ready to spring at a moments notice. His teeth are clenched as he glares in the direction the women disappeared. He looks deadly.

My hand finds its way to his cheek and he jumps at the contact, his eyes again locked on me. "I am okay."

His eyes soften as I watch my words register, his arms scooping me into his chest. He presses his face into the crook of my neck and takes a deep breath, relaxing into my touch.

"You are okay." He mutters softly, his strong hands rubbing my back gently. He is reassuring us both.

"How did you...?" I mumble.

"Rubie came and got us." He nods to the pink poodle skirt wearing woman standing behind Grim and another man.


After things were cleaned up I was asked to come speak with some of the patched members. Grim had questions for me and apparently it was frowned upon to tell him to leave me alone. So here I sit with a group of broody, muscular, leather clad, men staring me down across a large half round table.

"You had a stalker, right?" Grim asks in a firm tone that leaves no question about answering. His tone is harsh but I get it, he is in charge. I know Adrian asked them to look into what happened, they probably want to see if I will tell the truth.

"I did." My eyes narrow on the kid typing away on his laptop, seemingly not paying attention. "Why?"

"Message on your house was in blood, not paint." Grim states earning a glare from Adrian who appears to not have known.

"Oh..." I feel the need to clam up as I replay those words in my head. Blood.

Forcing my body not to show my fear takes allot of concentration as it worms its way through my veins like ice. They are going to want to know about what happened back then but I will have to relive it yet again. Not in my nightmares but through the story I will tell.

"And?!" Grim snaps, his hands slapping the tabletop to get my attention. I must have zoned out.

I feel hazy, but I force my voice out knowing how weak it must sound. I will have to leave after this, it is inevitable. "About two years ago, I was raped. A house party I was dragged to by my ex. We were drinking, having fun, normal stuff.."

"This better be going somewhere!" Grim shouts before Dex forces him to sit down, giving me a nod to continue.

"...he wandered off, I don't remember why but he was gone for quite a while when this guy came up to me. Fabian Victorio, fake name of course. He introduced himself, acted friendly and understanding. At some point I began to get upset over my missing boyfriend and tried to leave..." my eyes cloud over as my hands twist in my lap. I am not ready to loose Adrian yet but I know how this works. "He followed me and waited until the drug he had slipped in my drink started making my woozy before pulling me into a bedroom."

My eyes catch the look of disgust that is plastered to Adrian's face and my heart sinks, it only gets worse from here but those details aren't needed. "He wasn't alone. There were four of them. They kept me for days, doing what they wanted with me. I woke up in the back of an ambulance after being left, nearly naked, in an alley and made sure they ran the rape kits.... I hoped it was over. That those men would be found and punished but it never happened."

"Within a month things started to show up on my doorstep, photos of me throughout the day doing normal activities. Harmless the cops told me. They told me they couldn't do anything because no threat was made... I didn't feel safe though...So I got my locks changed,took some self defense classes, and moved on with my life. A month later more photos, only these are from that night...."

My chest aches as I watch Adrian stand and look away from me as he begins to pace behind the others. This isn't the first time I have gotten this kind of reaction but this one hurt more than I expected. Swallowing hard I continue, "after that it was dead animals and roses, disturbing love notes. Everyday was worse. Until one night he set my house on fire while I was sleeping... I barely got out. The man was arrested. He had stuck around to watch me. He was one of my rapists, arrested, charged, jailed. Ten years for arson because a fuck up in the lab. They never caught the other three...".

They all just stare at me for a moment, all except Adrian who doesn't even turn instead staring at the wall. Grim nods his head to the door as my signal to leave. I get up and out of the room just before loud crashes and screaming can be heard. I don't want to hear it but I can't tune it out even as my feet carry me out of the clubhouse.

"Fuck! What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?" His voice is filled with anger and hate as something heavy shatters against a wall. Other voices blend into nothing but his voice rings out like a knife to my heart though I only catch bit and pieces. I get the idea though. "How........Shit....I can't......Why?"

My feet hurry me down the street and into the chill night. Barefoot and wearing no more than a baggy tee and a pair of cotton shorts. I don't have a thing on me, no wallet, no keys. I just need to get away.

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