Chapter 16 Quidditch Match

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She wanted to scream. She wanted to kick down his door and shout. But she also wanted to cry. She wanted to run away and pretend the whole thing hadn't happened. She stood there for several moments trying to do all of them at once. Her eyes started burning with hot tears.

Amaris grunted and kicked the stone wall. The sharp pain that shot up from her foot allowed her to focus. She walked away, back down the corridor, wiping her eyes before the tears could scold down her cheeks. Her vision blurred, she rounded the corner and ran straight into someone.

"Well, fancy meeting you here." Said a familiar voice. Amaris stepped back in shock. It took her a moment to place the person standing in front of her, a lot had happened since her previous encounter with the Slytherin in the corridor. But once she had, she dropped her head to hide her eyes and barged past him, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry that that meeting didn't go as you had hoped." He said after her, his voice so surprisingly sincere that Amaris stopped and turned back.

"We missed you at Halloween. We, I was really hoping you would join us." He said. He sounded like he meant it and Amaris almost felt guilty for disappointing him but she still eyed him cautiously. "But then it was partly my fault. Had I thought to check the moon charts, I would never have asked you to come on such a day. Your absence was completely understandable."

Amaris no longer felt guilty. "What- what's that supposed to mean?" She scoffed clumsily.

The Slytherin cringed slightly, "hmm, with a secret like yours, you ought to learn how to properly lie. I would be more than happy to help you with that-"

Amaris was not in the mood for this. She drew her wand from her right sleeve and pointed it threateningly at him. He knew her secret so she would have to make sure it didn't spread. She just wasn't sure how she was going to do that besides trying to intimidate him.

He raised his hands slowly, showing he wasn't threatened at all but was choosing to humour her. And to further add to Amaris' annoyance, a smile was tugging at the corner of the boy's mouth. "What?" She demanded.

"Your left-handed," was all he said.

"Yes, so are you as I remember. Is that important?"

"Not critically," he replied. His ambiguous way of speaking was beginning to get on Amaris' nerves.

"What is it you want from me?"

He tilted his head. "Want from you?"

Amaris sighed angrily, "Yes, why do you follow me around? I don't even know you!"

"But you could," he said, taking a step closer. "You could get to know my companions and I. Then we could all be friends."

Amaris scoffed, lowering her wand, unbelievable. "I already have friends, thank you very much."

"Good friends are they?"

"Yes," Amaris answered confidently, "they don't lurk around corners, waiting to bump into me."

"Tell you everything?"

Amaris paused. "Well, I guess not everything."

"Do they trust you with their secrets?" He continued. "After all, you don't trust them with yours."

Amaris looked at him, all confidence gone.

"All I'm saying is, they are a trio. They have been since the very beginning. Nothing's going to change that."

Satisfied by Amaris' reaction, the Slytherin tipped his head and walked away. He turned back to say, "I won't tell anyone, I promise you that." It didn't leave Amaris with much reassurance, only a mess of contradicting feelings and thoughts. She didn't go after him.

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