Chapter 1 Boarding the Train

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1st September 1993

Platform 9 3/4 was very busy, as it always was this day every year. The station was swarming with students eager to leave, parents struggling to get in a goodbye kiss, and luggage that was trying it's hardest to get lost. Amaris Lovec had never seen so many humans in her life. Her senses were bombarded by the confusing mixture of unknown stimulants. It was both terrifying and exhilarating to be in a situation so out of her comfort zone.

The sound alone was overwhelming and it was impossible to make a straight path towards the train that sat patiently on the tracks amid the chaos that surrounded it. After several tiring minutes of working her way through the crowd, she stepped onto the back of the strain and dragged her trunk into the very last compartment.

Closing the door behind her, Amaris took in the room, smaller than the other compartments with a window that looked along the track behind the train. Breathing in deeply, taking in the familiar smell of dusty furniture and polished wood mixed with the new smells of coal and oil. She'd never been on a train before, her expectations had been closer to a fire breathing dragon than the real thing, it might have been more comforting if it had. Dragons she knew how to deal with.

After putting her trunk on one of the seats, she sat heavily into the set opposite as she waited for the other student to finish boarding. She ignored the annoyed glares as she was taking up a whole compartment to herself, as she watched the throng of people with fascination. Other humans were far more daunting than any other creature she could think of, though her intrigue won over her fear now that she was safely on the train. She was on the train! "The Hogwarts Express, finally." She whispered excitedly over her left shoulder. "Two years late but I'm actually going to Hogwarts, at last, I'll get to learn proper magic and meet others my age and hopefully make friends."

The train whistle blew at exactly eleven o'clock and the train jolted into action. The station grew smaller through the window and the train travelled through London as the long journey to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry began.

Amaris' eyes darted about the surroundings, taking in everything new and strange, kneeling on the seat with her nose pressed against the glass. But as the city gave way to the countryside and the view became a blur of green, her complete lack of rest from the night before caught up with her and the steady motion of the train lulled her to sleep.

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