Chapter 27 Relative Annoyances

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After marching down the corridor until she was out of view of Lupin's office, Amaris pressed against the wall. She took a deep breath. Still slightly giddy with adrenaline, her mind raced over everything that had just happened. As her heart rate slowed, guilt began to seep in. Maybe she'd been a bit harsh. And there was no way she would be allowed in his lessons now. How would he react the next time they saw each other?

Amaris shook her head, banishing the apprehension and regret. She had stood up for herself today, and had said things that had needed to be said. Only now could things begin to be sorted out.

Amaris pushed off the wall resolutely and began to walk heading in no direction in particular. After a few minutes, Steffan fell into step next to her.

"That took you longer than usual," Amaris said, "Did you have trouble finding me?"

"I just thought I would learn from experience and give you some time to order your thoughts before appearing out of nowhere," Steffan replied.

"Solid reasoning," Amaris said, "I hope that means, from now on, you won't be throwing me headfirst into things without any explanations."

"It worked didn't it?" Steffan protested, his voice easy.

Amaris turned to look at him and realised that he was beaming. Yes, she was sure he was. Only, she couldn't figure out how she was sure. He was smiling, but no more than his usual small closed-mouthed smirk. There was no discernible change in his formal posture and stride but, somehow, Amaris was sure that if Steffan was any happier he would be skipping. Perhaps it was all down to a slight glimmer in his eyes.

Whatever it was, it stopped Amaris from answering his question. She had been about to say that given what Lupin had thought since the last full moon, simply walking up to his door would have worked this time. That none of his elaborate plan had been needed. But she couldn't say that now. She'd never seen him like this, she didn't want to break the spell.

"Yeah, it worked perfectly," she said instead 

"So?" Steffan prompted after a moment.

"So?" Amaris replied.

"Was your meeting with Professor Lupin beneficial?"

"You could say that,"

"It didn't go as you'd hoped?"

"Not at all," Amaris laughed dryly, "but then again, what I was hoping for was for him to say that he has been wanting to speak to me since the day of the Opening Feast. That he knew instantly we were both the same and that it would be better for both of us to get to know each other. To talk about the experiences that only the two of us share. That he really wanted to be there for me but the Ministry was banning him from speaking to me." She sighed, "But, honestly, I've known for a long time that that wasn't going to happen."

"I'm sorry," Steffan said, sounding disappointed.

"No, no! It was still good," Amaris hurriedly tried to reassure him. "I mean, it wasn't what I wanted but it was probably what I needed."

Steffan looked unconvinced.

"Yeah, at least now I know that," Amaris paused, thinking of how to sum up what had happened, "that basically, you were right. That he was avoiding me because of what we are and because he hates it. Hates me but because of no fault of mine. So thank you."

Steffan seemed to take a moment to process to reasoning, before he nodded, "You're welcome," 

"But definitely explain to me what is happening beforehand next time." Amaris said, shaking her head, "I mean that was a pretty elaborate plan and I had no idea what was going on. That evil Slytherin performance you had going on had me worried for a moment."

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