Chapter 9 The Trouble with Partners

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Steffan had been having a bad day, no he'd been having a bad couple of weeks. As he sat in the Great Hall, trying to ignore what his brother was saying (a task made more difficult by the smell of his breath), he tried to pinpoint where everything had started going wrong. He decided that it was when the foreign students had arrived, everything could be traced back to them.

They were the reason why they no longer had their table in the library and subsequently the reason why Steffan and his friends had spent the last few weeks roaming around the castle. He knew his friends were starting to get bored of it, yet even with the help of the Marauder's Map, it was beginning to seem like an impossible task. But they couldn't give up, as it was, Steffan had had to spend more time in the Slytherin common room when there was no other suitable place to do his homework. He usually tried to spend as little time as possible in the dungeons and the only time he spent in the common room was while walking through it on his way to or from his dorm. It wasn't that the room wasn't nice, in an imposing way, the seats were comfortable.

But the longer he was there, the greater the chance was that he would encounter his brother. And when this happened, Cadoc always had time for a loving chat with his dear younger brother. Steffan would have thought he should be too busy studying for his NEWTs but then he had never prioritised the schooling part of school and he was bright enough to get away without really trying. The thought that this was the last year Steffan would have to put up with Cadoc at the school was not always enough to block out what his brother said to him. Especially now that Cadoc had found a line of comments that were hitting a little too close to home.

This brought Steffan to the second thing that the foreign students had caused. Though he assumed that they hadn't exactly enjoyed getting injured and overwhelming the hospital wing, they still caused the problem that led to Steffan accompanying Amaris for her transformation. Perhaps he shouldn't have offered. But it had seemed the logical thing to do at the time, Amaris needed someone to go with her and Madam Pomfrey hadn't been available. He just hadn't expected his role to seem so personal. Or maybe he had and that's what he had wanted.

His mind had always gone on these contradictory rants, though they were happening far more frequently now and especially around Amaris. He'd had a particularly frustrating one on that full moon as he stood in the forest, intently looking at the trees, while Amaris got undressed behind him. He had thought about turning around, just to take a peek. Afterall, that was what he was expected to do or at least want to do, he'd seen it in some of the more unbearable films that Matt had shown them. It's certainly the kind of thing Cadoc would do in a situation like this. But he should have wanted to look, surely, not just do it because he thought he was expected to.

These thoughts annoyed and confused Steffan and he had been so engrossed in them that he had jumped when Amaris was suddenly standing next to him. "I wish I could show you how I see the forest on these nights, everything is so bright and alive. Perhaps even more so than during the day." She had been wearing only her cloak now, which had started Steffan internal debate all over again.

Steffan had smiled through it, "I'm glad that this is something that is yours again, a blessing and not a curse."

"Wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for you," Amaris had grinned back, creasing the scars on her cheek. Then she had looked in what had seemed to Steffan to be a random direction. "It's nearly time."

She'd handed him the bag of her clothes she had been wearing and walked away and Steffan had turned to follow her movement. For the first time that evening, Amaris had looked embarrassed, "I'm going to take of the cloak now, so,"

"Right," Steffan had said, spinning around.

"Just hang the bag from the branch next to you. And drape the cloak and the shoes over it once I've gone," she had instructed, repeating what Steffan had already been told.

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