Chapter 4 Back at Hogwarts

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It felt strange being on platform 9 ¾ again, it had felt like the summer would last forever then suddenly it was over. And on top of that, today marked a complete year since Amaris had properly set foot in the world, so much had happened since then and it scared her that it was going so fast. But she couldn't stand around contemplating it all day, she had to find a seat on the train.

She weaved through the mass of students and parents, leather trunk dragging behind her. She was wondering whether she would be able to get the final compartment to herself again when she heard frantic tapping beside her. Looking up, she saw Kim waving out of one of the carriage windows and pointing to the seats next to her. Amaris grinned wide and hurried to the nearest door. She gave Kim such an aggressive hug that the small Hufflepuff nearly toppled over.

"It's so good to see you! How have you been?" Amaris said after letting her friend go.

There was a moment before Kim's own smile appeared, "I've been good,"

Amaris was to excited to fully register her friends falter, "I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts and see the others again. I know it's only been a few weeks but it feels like I haven't seen them in yonks." She prattle on as she hoisted her trunk into the overhead storage.

"Well, you won't have to wait much longer," Kim said, looking out the carriage window.

Amaris rushed over, pushing her face to the glass. There, making their way through the crowd, was Steffan and Matt. Amaris banged on the window and waved frantically causing them and many other people to look around. Matt grinned and waved back, Steffan only nodded in acknowledgement. Turning back into the carriage, she found Kim rubbing her eyes under her glasses.

"What?" Amaris asked.

Kim shook her head and smiled, "Nothing, I just forgot how much of a Gryffindor you were."

The boys arrived in the carriage, Amaris hugged Matt then greeted Steffan with a smile and held out a bundle of cloth to him, "I believe I promised to return this to you,"

Steffan took the bundle and unfolded it to reveal his pocket watch. He looked at Amaris with glinting eyes and bowed his head, "Why, thank you."

They stowed all their luggage and it wasn't long before the train blew its whistle and the journey was on its way. After general greetings and catching up, Amaris got straight to what had been on her mind. "Do you know what happened at the Quidditch World Cup?"

"Obviously not," Matt said, "was it attacked by RingWraiths?"

"No," Amaris said, "the place was burned down by followers of the Dark Lord "

Matt blinked, "RingWraiths do follow a Dark Lord but I'm guessing you're referring to a real one."

"One who is real and dead," Steffan said sternly, "and they weren't true Death Eaters, just fools in cloaks wanting to make some trouble. That's why they ran when someone put up the Dark Mark. Any real supporters are either in Azkaban or lied their way out of it and are biding their time."

"But then who were they? And why did they decide to do what they did?" Amaris said eagerly, "If they weren't responsible for the Dark Mark then who was?"

Steffan frowned, "Are you suggesting we make this our Mystery for the year?"

Amaris shrugged, "It seems like the obvious thing."

"Can we please not," Kim said.

The other three of them looked at her, surprised by her tone of voice. It was strained and honestly pleading.

Kim met their gazes then sighed and began to explain. "I was there, at the match. It was an apology gift from my parents for not coming to collect me, though they also wanted to be there to talk to high up members of the Ministries from other countries. Our accommodation was right by the stadium, far away from where those people started ransacking everything. But I could still hear the screaming and smell the smoke. Fake followers or not, they caused a hell of a lot of damage. And if you don't mind, I'd rather we didn't turn it into a game to occupy us at school."

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