Chapter 30.5 The Lion and the Badger

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Hello, sorry for the unannounced break but I just thought rather than continue to rush through each chapter and always uploading it late, that I'd tke a break and get on top of it again. It's kind of worked. This is the second half of the previous chapter but after this, hopefully I'll get back to my chapter a month schedule. As always thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Amaris felt better than she had in weeks, maybe months. It took quite a lot of effort for Kim to stop her from bouncing off the walls.

"Stop. I said, Stop!" Kim called, out of breath. She gave up trying to keep up and stopped, breathing heavily. "We definitely put too much adrenaline in that," she muttered.

Amaris came running back and circled Kim like a sheepdog herding its last sheep. "Come on," She earned, pulling at Kim's arms, "We've got to get back so I can thank the others."

"No," Kim said firmly, "you're going to stop moving for a minute and listen. Okay?"

Amaris gradually slowed to an almost stop but continued to bounce on the spot.

"I need to make one thing very clear," Kim said, "that potion was for the most part a fancy painkiller. It had some healing in it but not much. Do you understand what that means, Amaris? You need to stop all this running and jumping or you'll hurt yourself."

Amaris furrowed her brow and went to argue but Kim cut her off.

"I know you can't feel it but your body is still just as damaged as it was before." Kim lectured. "If you keep moving around like this, you're going to dislocate your knee again or worse."

Amaris stopped moving and looked at Kim with an apologetic expression.

"And secondly," Kim continued, "considering the state you were in less than five minutes ago, you aren't going anywhere except straight back to your room."

Amaris looked herself up and down, only just realising the state she was in. "Oh," she said with an embarrassed giggle "Is it that bad?"

Kim nodded. "You've even got blood in your hair," she said, "It's a miracle you didn't run into anyone on the way down to us."

"It's a good thing everyone is at lunch,"

"But they won't be for much longer," Kim said, "and I didn't mean you just go up there to get changed. You are going to go to your dorm and you are going to sleep. You might not be able to feel it anymore but your body needs to rest and heal. You've still got tonight to get through, remember?"

The slight buzz Amaris had been feeling dissipated instantly and the reality of the situation returned to her. The full moon was tonight and for reasons unknown, this time it might kill her. She could barely feel the pain of her father's potion, crushing her like a boa constrictor but as Kim had said, the effects had merely been dimmed. The potion and the moon would fight for dominance regardless and Amaris' body would pay the price. And of course, she preferred not being in agony, but the idea of that fight killing her without being able to feel anything happening filled Amaris with a different type of dread.

She took a breath, her friends would think of something. And besides, she didn't know for certain she was going to die if they did nothing.

Amaris turned to go when her stomach growled loudly in resentment at being ignored. She suddenly realised how hungry she was.

"Oh, of course, you haven't eaten anything today, have you?" Kim tapped the frame of her glasses for a moment. "I know. We'll send Pachua up to you with food. Does he know which window is yours from the outside?"

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