Chapter 7 - The expedition

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Battle report: R-02

Time: One day after the Galdush battle, day 21 since REC forces crossed to the other side

Report carried out by: Brigadier General Oscar Wayne

Report states: At noon of the 21st day the remains of the enemy seventh army engaged base Galdush. Attack was carried out by air forces, consisting of the enemy's seventh wyvern corp, and ground forces, consisting of the enemy's seventh siege legion. The wyverns came within roughly three miles from the base before the majority was taken out of the sky by AN/TWQ-2 missile systems, the rest either fled or stayed and was taken out via heavy machine gun fire. The siege legion was destroyed sooner by M109A8 self-propelled howitzers. The majority was eliminated, remnants fled. 

Outcome: Victory

REC casualties: None

Enemy casualties: Estimated 4.000 (Not including wyverns and hardware)

Identification sources: Captured general of the seventh army, Drannor Crax; Captured dwarven commander Dunan Oremelt.

(Twenty days after the Galdush battle)

Imperial palace, Elyana

"What is the meaning of this!?", Canus yelled in furious anger as he stood up from his throne.

"Your Majesty, I can explain.", Laeroth said standing in the center of the Grand chamber, surrounded by senators and the Chosen legions, "I was planning on informing you-"

"Inform me of what!? That the invasion force led by general Ylindar was destroyed in less than a day!? That the troops you sent to Galdush to stop the humans was also crushed!? That we lost nearly two hundred thousand forces, including two of our armies and generals, in less than one fucking moon cycle!?".

This was the first time anyone has seen Canus rage out like this. His whole life he was calm and collected, never raising his voice at anyone. Even if he did have an outburst, its magnitude was nowhere near the level of what the Grand chamber's attendants were experiencing at this moment. Laeroth had no words with which to defend himself and lying was beneath. He underestimated the enemy's capabilities. If they could do this, then he shuddered to imagine what they would do if the were given even more time. All he knew for sure was that a direct approach will undoubtedly lead to failure.

"Your Majesty.", Laeroth spoke, "I meant no disrespect. I only assumed that-"

"You assumed!? You do not assume, Laeroth. You determine! You bring solutions and results. In over three hundred cycles you never once assumed anything. What has changed? Are you loosing your edge?"

"Your Majes-"

"Perhaps I should put someone else in charge.". These words shook Laeroth to the core. "Someone more youthful. Someone I can fully trust. Someone capable of cleaning this mess. Perhaps Athtar, maybe Reebus or Syndra. Or... maybe that fellow Alphus."

"No!", Laeroth shouted, his voice booming over the halls, making everyone present twitch. He drew his sword and knelt, "I shall resolve this. I shall not fail you, Your Majesty.". He brought the edge of his sword to his left hand and without hesitation sliced off his smallest finger. Then he placed his sword on the floor and offered Canus his finger. Canus slowly walked over to him and took it.

After observing the finger for several moments, Canus spoke, "Rise.", and so Laeroth did, "This is your final chance. Should you fail me, you will lose more than this finger.". With a bow and a salute, Laeroth exited the chamber. "This meeting is over! Return to your duties!"

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