Chapter 11 - Peace or war? (Part 1)

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Skirmish report by Brigadier-General Jacob MacCarter 

Report states: Due to the loss of the destruction of the Imperial fourth and seventh army, the local villages have been under attack by bandits and a number of them has been burned. For nine days, Fort Galdush has been attacked by these bandits consisting of Rosians, elves and tribals. None have been able to penetrate the first line of defense, however despite suffering defeat daily, the bandits refused to surrender. In response, the fifth infantry brigade was assembled under the order of Lieutenant-General Patrick Coleman and led by Brigadier-General Jacob MacCarter with a mission to wipe out any and all bandit camps within an eighty mile radius. This was dubbed Operation Skirmish and it lasted for seven days.  An estimated six thousand bandits of various races were eliminated and the brigade has taken upon itself to rectify this problem caused by REC forces. 

Report from the rosian vassals: Lieutenant James Wilson has successfully convinced the dukes Vizoz Gran of Zirith, Tavion Dergoz of Dothen and Corbin Hagot of Elarith, as well as king Ostontul Wolfash to peaceful negotiations with Ambassador Eugene Anderson. The meeting will be held  on a flat field between the Alston capital of Olinor and the city of Ulnor. 

Report from Lieutenant Caden Roberts of Rift Group 3: Lord Bellon Belus has come to terms with Lieutenant-General Coleman to send a formal letter to emperor Canus and request an audience with either him or other officials. The meeting will be held in the Meilume capital and under Imperial law there will be no physical conflict. Additionally, Lord Bellon has agreed to return the captured Americans that were brought to him by the Imperial army. 

Other news: Roughly seven thousand elves from destroyed villages have gathered at Galdush to seek shelter. Lieutenant-General Patrick Coleman has approved the construction of temporary settlements for the refugees. Apart from them, tribals have been gathering at Galdush for the purpose of joining the now named Altian Militia. At the current moment, the Altian Militia numbers one thousand six hundred members of various tribal species and command is currently working on how to properly integrate them into the modern battle doctrine. 

Recent drone footage has noticed a sudden amassing of Imperial troops near the border of Zirith. Diplomatic units should be on alert.


16th day of early green season

Canus's study, Imperial palace, Elyana

Emperor Canus was furious. No, beyond furious. The humans have taken Galdush and now they've even influenced the Meilume nobility and rosian vassals into peaceful negotiations. 

'How dare they?', he thought, 'First, they kill our soldiers. Then, they take our land and people while tricking them they are some sort of good natured explorers who desire peace. Are they blind! Do they not see it is all a ruse?! The visions never lied, so why would they lie now? These... humans, they are nothing but savages and enemies for us to subdue. Why can the others not see it? Am I the only one here who follows the path of light? Hagmar, Lilyth, Khelsa, Alruna. They too stray from the path, keeping these humans as pets. Spirits, I beg of you, tell me what am I to do."

After his train of thought stopped, knocking came from the door. "Go away!", Canus shouted. The door still opened and a cloaked elf walked in. "I said leav-", Canus stopped as he turned around, now seeing who came to him. "Gilshor."

"My sincerest of apologies for interrupting you, Your Majesty.", Gilshor said as he bowed.

"What do you want, Gilshor?"

"I have sensed that you are troubled by recent news. About the humans and their request for peaceful negotiations."

Canus paused for a moment, "Your knowledge of the subject does not surprise me. And yes, I am most troubled. Marquis has insisted on it and Corvus was already in Kuruk. The senators are already on their way. How can they not see this is all a ruse."

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