Chapter 19

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Operation report

Designation: Iron Storm

Day 4: 18th of September, 2070

USMC forces under the command of Colonel Robbert Miller have cleared out the occupied area of Fort Orkos. Complications occurred when Marines encountered stiff resistance within the tunnel system underneath the fort. Said system was thoroughly cleared via incendiary charges and flame throwers.

The rest of the assault force has begun systematically eliminating the other fortifications down the length of the wall. Brigadiers Theodore Smith and Thomas Jenkins state the following.

"This'll be done in a week tops. Then we can move north."

Captain Aaron Lewis' company encountered a group of orcs outside Fort Orkos' gate. They identified themselves as 'Storm Wolves'. Their leader, warchief Glasha Shebeast, requested aid from the REC. While Captain Lewis was skeptical at first, he ultimately reported this to Brigadier Smith, who is yet to make a decision.

Off the coast of Lashil, twelve imperial vessels approached the stationed REC fleet. Using the elven naming system, ten of these vessels were attackers (ships of the line) and two were wyvern carriers. They were intercepted by three frigates (FF Simspon, FF Chesapeake, and FF Graham) and one destroyer (DD Monroe) and were subsequently destroyed. Naval command believes this was a scouting party or a vanguard/probe force sent to test the REC navy's capabilities.

Day 5: 19th of September, 2070

Mayor Lasca Bel Varno has negotiated a surrender with the REC. With the river city of Enen now under NATO control, an assault on the major city of Kuruk has been formulated.

While Lord Bellon Bellus has spoken with the mayor of Una, he couldn't convince his brother, Caelon, to surrender. He urged the REC not to kill him.

While on patrol, soldiers of the Spanish armed forces encountered a pack of newly discovered creatures called drakes. They didn't engage and merely observed from afar when they noticed the drakes were moving toward a large canyon.

Upon further research, the area was identified as 'Maruk Canyon'. According to elven records, it remains an unexplored land to this day due to the large concentration of draconic creatures. REC forces are advised to stay as far away from the area as possible.

Day 6: 20th of September 2070

Today the first official meeting between the NATO officers, Rosian military leaders, and Galdush Militia command staff took place.

Representing the United States Army were General Andrew Steel, Lieutenant General Patrick Coleman, and Colonel Samuel Carter. Additionally, General Nathan Ryker and Colonel Matthew Strong were present via holo-link.

Representing the Canadian Armed Forces were General Jackon Girard and Colonel Philip Martin.

Representing the Portuguese Armed Forces were Lieutenant General Pedro Santos and Colonel Martim Ferreira.

Representing the Spanish Armed Forces were General Diego Lopez and Colonel Olivia Alvarez.

Representing the British Armed Forces were General Reginald Nelson and Colonel Wyat Doyle.

Representing the French Armed Forces were General Andre Moulin and Colonel Elya Dupont.

Representing the Belgian Armed Forces were Major General Leon Maes and Colonel Alice Katz.

Representing the Dutch Armed Forces were Major General Johan Westerik and Colonel Willem Von Dijk.

Representing the German Armed Forces were General Walter Weber and Colonel Lina Becker.

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