Chapter 13 - The second rebellion

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Negotiations report R-01

Report carried out by Ambassador Eugene Anderson

Report states: Peaceful negotiations have been successfully initiated with the following rosian representatives: duke Vizoz Gran of Zirith, duke Tavion Dergoz of Dothen and duke Corbin Hagot of Elarith, king Ostontul Wolfash of Opherin and king Thavok Zorgen of Alston. A non-aggression pact was signed by all members. However, an armed conflict erupted when duke Vizoz attempted murder. Captain Bartley was able to restrain him, but the situation quickly escalated as Zirith forces attacked the rangers stationed outside. Thanks to the intervention of the Opherin, Alston, Dothen and Elarith forces casualties were kept to a minimum and the surviving Zirithian soldiers were apprehended. The conflict resulted in nineteen casualties, twenty-nine injured rangers and ended with the death of duke Vizoz by king Ostontul's hand.

A similar situation occurred in the Meilume capital, where the Imperial senator Cato Aquil Donos organized an assassination attempt on the Meilume nobility and representing REC officers present. The assassination was prevented by Green beret specialists. Lord Bellon Belus has apologized for his actions stating that he will support REC forces in the future.


22nd day of early green season

Near the Alston-Zirith border

A soldier's life was simple, but that didn't mean it was easy. Many threats lurked in the lands, from ferals to rogues and bandits. Even the elves' empire wasn't safe from internal problems.

Still, it was a good life for those who had the stomach and tenacity. However, it does occasionally get slow and boring. Tasks such as patrolling and maintenance, while important, were tedious and often unrewarded in the eyes of recruits.

"Someone kill me now.", whined one of said recruits.

"Just shut up already.", said another one behind him, "I got sick of your voice an hour ago."

"Just one more village.", said the leading knight, "Then we go back to the outpost."

"How much further then?"

"Shouldn't be far off.", the senior knight spoke.

As the four of them were riding towards their final destination, a horrific sight made them stop in their tracks. The village, which bordered with the duchy of Zirith was burning. They stood there, perplexed by the situation. Moving away from the village, they saw thousands of troops marching east, caring the flag of the Imperial tenth army.

'How could this have happened?', was the question on everyone's mind.

All were quiet until the senior broke the silence. "Valco! Tomnir! Go back to the outpost and send a raven to the capital! Castle Goldar is under attack!". The two stood still for moments until he shouted again, "Now!". They ran off.

"And what of us?", asked the other knight.

"We will ride east. We need to warn the other villages and outpost on the way. Hopefully the elves won't see us."

"I take it negotiations with those humans didn't go well."

"Aye", the veteran nodded his head. The two rode off, taking the long way, staying out of sight and praying they won't be late.

Molak castle, Opherin

Molak was one of the main bastions of the great rebellion. Regarded by many as the greatest Rosian castle, it stood for generations and didn't break at the sight of elves. Having a terrain advantage of being built on high ground, Molak held on against the Imperial assault for months until king Ostontul was forced to sign a surrender. Now its resolve would be tested again.

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