Chapter 18

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Operation report

Designation: Iron Storm

Day 1: 14th of September, 2070

US Marines under the command of Brigadier General Theodore Smith have sieged the elven fort of Orkos. The attack started with long-range artillery fire, which lasted thirty-one hours and forty-seven minutes. Due to the wall facing the region designated as 'The Wasteland' great care was taken to ensure it wasn't damaged.

Day 2: 15th of September, 2070

The ground assault was led by Colonel Anthony Rodriguez and was spearheaded by MarkIV RPCA (Rhino Patterned Combat Armor) units. The marines assaulted the final bastion with the mission of extracting the fort's commander, General Castien Olar of the third army. After an estimated seventeen minutes of combat, General Castien was killed by Captain Aaron Lewis who stated the following.

"That asshole took Mark's gun and shot both him and Ray. He deserved what happened to him."

Twenty-nine marines were KIA and twenty-seven were injured primarily as a result of magic and traps. Further preparations are required for future engagements.

Side note: The MarkIV RPCAs have once again proven their worth on the battlefield. A draft for increased has been issued.

The RSC (Rifle Shield Claw) experiment has been a success. Elements of the Rosian knights and tribal warriors have been integrated into the US Army Rangers, UK Army Rangers, and German Commandos.

Their mission to assault the riverport city of Enen and extract the HVI known as Mayor Lasca Bel Varno has been a success. US Rangers, designated as Yankee, have also eliminated the city garrison's command cadre while the German commandos, designated as Kaiser, and British Rangers, designated as Redcoat have destroyed vital defensive and supply points throughout the city, making it more difficult to defend.

Colonel Samuel Carter believes that the city will surrender after Mayor Bel Varno agrees to the terms. Thirteen human troops, seventeen Rosian knights, and four tribal warriors have been lost in the assault once again to magic and traps.

Additional information

The final elements of the Belgian Armed Forces have arrived on the other side of the rift and have taken positions in Zirith.

NATO has greatly bolstered the Rift Expeditionary Corp (REC) numbers, making it a, for the lack of a better term, proper invasion force. As peaceful negotiations have proven to be ineffective due to the Empire of Light's continuous attacks and provocation, the North Atlantic Council (NAC) has declared a full-scale war against it.

The current official numbers (not counting non-combatants and elements of the Rosian and tribal forces) are as follows.

United States of America: 100.000 troops of the US Army and 60.000 troops of the USMC.

Canada: 50.000 troops

Portugal: 30.000 troops

Spain: 60.000 troops

United Kingdom: 50.000 troops

France: 50.000 troops

Belgium: 10.000 troops

Netherlands: 10.000 troops

Germany: 50.000 troops

Italy: 50.000 troops

The total number of active combat forces is 520.000. Half of these troops will be the first wave of the assault on the empire while the other half will be in the reserve.

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