Chapter 10 - A damsel in distress

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Expedition report from Rift Group 4

Report carried out by Lieutenant Marvin Bailey

Report states: Peaceful contact with the local town of Una has ended in failure. Upon nearing the gates, the elfves demanded for RG-4 to identify themselves and after identification they opened fire on with bows, crossbows and scorpions. RG4 retaliated by opening fire with its 50mm chain gun, destroying parts of the wall, killing an unknown number of defenders and destroying their heavy defenses. The initial shock from the chain gun froze the defenders, allowing RG-4 to vacant the area with minimum damage and no loses taken. This was the first unsuccessful interaction with the local populace since the beginning of the expedition and the Rift Group program and it shows that not all natives will be pleased with REC's arrival.

Other news: The enemy force on the other side of the North Alston river has not shown any signs of movement. Moreover, drone footage shows a number of the local populace leaving the Meilume capital and Una across the river, further suggesting that the Imperial army wishes to fortify and wall-off the area between the two Alston rivers with the intention of boxing the REC before attacking. CIA sources can confirm this is the case. As far as the Rosian vassal kingdoms are concerned, RG-1, upon making successful contact with the border town of Afa, has sent a platoon, led by lieutenant James Wilson, to the Alston capital of Olinor where they made contact with the king of Alston, Thavok Zorgen. After a number of debates, king Thavok has agreed to accompany the platoon to the duchies of Zirith, Dothen and Elarith, as well as the kingdom of Opherin to convince the dukes and kind Ostontul to attend a meeting with ambassador Eugene Anderson. Additional transportation will be provided should it be necessary.

30th day of late yellow season

Elyana, Empire of Light

"So.", said the chained human, "Is it my turn to pick the nail or yours?". The torturer responded by punching him in the face. The prisoner spat out a piece of his tooth before answering, "C'mon, you're supposed to be consistent. It's nail, nail, cut, punch. The teeth come later when all the nails are gone. Everyone knows that.". The torturer punched him again. "There you go again, messing up the consistency. I think I know why you work in this shit hole now."

The torturer wanted to hit him again, but a voice stopped him, "Enough!". A moment later, two elves walked into the room.

"Great General Laeroth.", the torturer said as he bowed.

"How is the questioning, Maul?", Laeroth asked.

"Not well, my lord. This human is proving to be a greater challenge then I had anticipated. All I got was a name. Jack Mitchell."

Laeroth sighed as he approached the chained up human. His body was cut in several places and half of his finger nails have been removed. In addition, he was missing two teeth and bleeding from his mouth and nose. Yet he still denying Maul. As much as it pained Laeroth to admit it, he was impressed. Any Rosian or even elf would have broke by now. What made this human different?

"Jack Mitchell.", Laeroth said, making Jack lift his head and smile.

"What's up?", Jack asked.

"The ceiling.", Laeroth answered, making Jack laugh. "What is humorous?"

"Maul over there said the same thing.", Jack replied as he wheezed, "You sure you're not related? You got the same shade."

This made Maul mad as he grabbed his hammer, "You insolent savage!"

"Calm yourself.", Laeroth said, "I still need this human alive. High mage Gunru, you have my permission.".

"Yes, general.", said Gunru. He was one of the seven high mages of the empire in North Altia, second only to the grand mage Ishton. Each high mage is able to use more than one type of magical ability. Usually a mage is only able to use one ability from a single spirit. The mages of Vita can be healers or they can use their power to give life to made objects. This way they can create their own army, however, the mage has to remain alive in order for the creature to remain alive, and if the creature is destroyed the life will return back to its source. The mages of Elendi can use one of the various elements, such as wind, fire, water, and so on. One other ability the high mages possess is 'Mind read'. By focusing their spiritual energy into the mind of the target, they can visualize their knowledge.

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