Chapter 20

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Operation report

Designation: Iron Storm

Day 8: 22nd of September, 2070

The assault on the port city of Kuruk was partially a success. While the city and its defenders did surrender, roughly 27% of the city has been destroyed by bombers and armored vehicles. General Andrew Steele's policy of treating the population of Kuruk as enemies caused distrust among the NATO command staff.

The 1st hybrid assault company (HAC) failed in its mission to capture the mayor of Kuruk alive. The mayor along with the rest of the garrison officers and nobility committed suicide before intervention was possible. The company suffered losses and Captain Logan Connors stated the following.

"Their magic is unpredictable. They're making monsters underground and we're being ambushed everywhere we go by their mages. We need magic of our own. The scanners aren't enough."

Many, most notably Generals Jackson Girard, Pedro Santos, Andre Moulin, and Leonardo Ricci have expressed themselves to be completely against General Steele's practices. Anyone that actively takes up arms and engages NATO forces should be considered an enemy but to cause this much damage because of rejection for surrender is not acceptable. Prince Rahno Wolfash stated the following.

"They will gladly murder us all if they had the chance. Monsters, mutants, magic, and death machines. They'll use all of it and more. They'll throw wave after wave of their people if to drown us. The elves cannot change. I don't care how many villages you persuade, Canus will never accept it."

This kind of fanaticism is not new to NATO and some of its representatives agree and share the sentiment with the Rosians. However, the killing of innocent and surrendering people will no longer be tolerated and anyone found breaking these rules will face repercussions.

After two days Brigadier General Theodore Smith was granted authorization to send a force to the Wasteland. Colonel Philip White volunteered for the assignment and his battalion along with Captain Aaron Lewis' company was deployed.

On the same day, they engaged a sizable orc force consisting of the now-dubbed Bone Claws and Black Hounds clans. The tight and unorganized masses were easily picked off by the IFVs. While the Marines have spent a significant amount of ammunition, they suffered no casualties due to the aid of the Storm Wolves clan. Colonel White stated the following.

"These bastards are tough and relentless. They just keep running. If it weren't for the armor and Glasha's boys some of my men wouldn't be breathing. I don't know why they're attacking her but I know one thing. There's a hell of a lot more of 'em out there and we gotta burn 'em before the horde gets bigger."

He [Colonel Philip White] requested a meeting with General Nathan Ryker and Admiral Edward Johnson to discuss sending more troops south. He also requested that the USMC bring in PMCs, more specifically the Irish Shamrock contractors.

Day 9: 23rd of September, 2070

A total of 137 squads of special forces were sent to the other side of the North Alston River. These were derived from the US Army Green Berets Specialists, the British SAS, and the German KSK respectively. The forces of the elven eleventh and twelfth armies have relocated further north and set up a front supposedly to block the NATO advance.

The Green Beret squad designated as Striker 1 had located and eliminated Generals Lyklor Balphine and Reebus Octo. Information gathered at the camp showed that the supreme commander of the elven army, First General Laeroth Leobel, had ordered all forces in the south to retreat and set up a defensive perimeter. A series of trenches and traps have already been set in the north. This should serve as proof that NATO needs to hasten its pace.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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