3- New Kids

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My day seemed to pass by as slowly as possible. Every class was the same; find my seat, realize the kid next to me is going to drive me nuts, get the syllabus, listen to the teacher explain that this year will be incredible, watch someone across the room fall asleep, realize 15 minutes have passed, hope the rest of class goes by faster, realize it will now go slower than before. The first day of school is very monotonous.

Luckily before I knew it, it was lunchtime. Everyone throughout the school gathered together in the cafeteria to eat and gossip. The big news of the day was still the new kids who I had yet to see. I figured that would soon change since they would also need to eat lunch.

I grabbed my food before sitting down at the table I knew Jessica always sat at. As soon as I sat down, I was surrounded by some of her friends, Angela Weber, Mike Newton, Tyler Crowley, and Lauren Mallory. Those who I had not seen yet said hello before their conversation turned to the only other topic available.

"They are seriously hot," Lauren said as she ate some fries from her plate.

"I know," Angela replied. "And they look so similar; how are they not related?"

"Wait, what?" I asked. All eyes turned to me as I spoke. "They're not related?"

"Do you seriously know nothing still?" Jessica asked me.

I shook my head as my answer caused her to groan in frustration. "You are so helpless at social interaction. The new kids aren't actually siblings. They're all somehow related to Dr. Cullen and his wife, and they adopted them at some point. But they all look so similar. Rumor has it they're all in relationships with each other."

"Gross," Mike said, causing us to look at him.

"We'll, I guess if they're not actually related, it's not illegal." Lauren's tone made it evident that she disapproved of the idea of them dating at all.

"Look, here they come."

While conversations continued, it was clear everyone was talking about the group of teens who just entered the cafeteria.

Jessica decided to start telling me about them as they made their way to a table across the room. I couldn't see any of their faces as they were walking away from us. "The one with the shaggy brown hair is Edward, he's in my first-period class, and he's not very talkative."

Edward walked ahead of his siblings and sat down first. He sat and looked my way immediately, his golden eyes locking with mine as they widened in recognition.

You have got to be kidding me.

"The tall blonde is Rosalie, and the buff guy next to her is Emmet. I think they're dating."

Both of them sat down on the left of Edward, watching him with a curious expression before following his gaze and turning to see me. Their pale complexions matched Edward's perfectly.

Of all the people in the world who could have moved here, it had to be them.

"The small girl is Alice, and the boy who looks to be in pain is Noah."

They took their seats opposite Rosalie and Emmet, leaving one seat left, facing away from me.

Of course, a coven of vampires moved to Forks, Washington. That's just my luck. My wolf would love this development.

As I thought the word "wolf," I saw Edward's eyes widen even more.

Oh great, he's a mind reader. Hi Edward, please don't kill me.

His face relaxed as the final boy sat down, blocking my view of Edward.

"And that is Jasper. He, Rosalie, and Noah are related, and the other three are too."

I ignored my table as they continued talking while I watched the table of Vampires. They hadn't killed anyone yet, so that was a good sign that maybe they wouldn't kill me. I could tell they were all talking to each other, but I couldn't catch anything they said.

Whatever it was, it caused Jasper to turn in his seat and face me. His golden eyes locked with mine, and I felt a pulling sensation in my gut.

All else faded away as I looked at Jasper's face. His blonde hair looked to have been styled earlier in the morning, but it had gotten loose throughout the day. His golden eyes looked the same as his siblings, but to me, they resembled pure honey, unlike his siblings.

I snapped out of my daze as I realized the most important thing ever:

I just imprinted on Jasper-

A vampire.

I stood up in one swift movement, grabbed my bag, and mumbled something as I ran away from the cafeteria.

I thought one coherent thought before my brain switched onto full panic mode, Edward, please don't tell Jasper.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now