79- New Abilities

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48 hours after waking up as a half-vampire half-wolf, we found more interesting things out about me.

"I feel hungry," I told Jasper as we were sitting in our room. We had been reading in silence, just enjoying a moment to ourselves, but I couldn't shake the feeling.

"Well, I would have known that if you would stop blocking me out," he told me, not looking up from his book. He was very upset that I kept blocking him from feeling my emotions, but I was trying to figure out how my new abilities worked. Blocking everyone's powers around me was difficult, but easier to manage than trying to use their powers.

I sighed and took down the imaginary wall I had built around me to let him feel my emotions.

"You do feel hungry," he told me, setting his book down. "Maybe your wolf needs actual food," he suggested.

"I guess that makes sense."

The two of us headed downstairs, where I made a sandwich for myself. Jasper sat on the counter next to me as I started grabbing ingredients from different places.

"What are you doing?" Emmet asked me, walking into the kitchen to see what we were doing.

"I'm making a sandwich," I told him.

"You do know you're a vampire, right?"

"I know, but I'm hungry like I usually am. Jasper thinks maybe my wolf needs actual food to survive, not animal blood." I finished making my sandwich as I spoke. I picked it up and took a bite.

"How's it taste?" Jasper asked me, slightly concerned about what was happening.

"Relax, Jasper," I told him. "It tastes like it did before I was a vampire." I continued eating it, showing Jasper I was fine.

"Oh, so you're feeling my emotions, but I can't feel yours?" he angrily asked me.

"Trouble in paradise," Emmet asked, making Jasper and me glare at him. "Okay, I'll leave." As he walked out, Jasper and I turned back to each other.

"I'm trying, okay? I want to figure out how my new powers work. You're just always by me, so you're the easiest to try it with. I'll stop it if it really bothers you that much," I told him.

"I'm sorry," he told me. "I just depend on feeling your emotions to make sure you're okay, and you keep blocking me out. I don't like it."

"Then I'll stop. I'll keep messing around with my powers with Edward. Easy solution." With our semi-argument over, I went back to eating my sandwich.

Later that night, we were all sitting in the living room watching Star Wars. Everyone was bored, and movies were an easy way to pass the time. The farther into the movie we got, the more I leaned on Jasper while we sat on the couch.

About halfway through, Jasper finally said, "I think you need to go to sleep."

That got everyone's attention. "I'm fine," I told Jasper.

"You are exhausted, Emma. I think you need sleep."

"She's a vampire," Emmet said, looking at Jasper. "I think you keep forgetting that."

"She's still part wolf, Emmet. She's not exactly like the rest of us. Her wolf side needs different things," Carlisle told him, not wanting an argument to break out.

"Come on," Jasper said, trying to get me to stand up.

I pulled against him, keeping myself on the couch. "I am fine," I told him. "Let's just watch the movie."

Jasper gave up, realizing I was not leaving the couch, and sat back down next to me. We continued watching the movie, with me leaning completely on Jasper.

I could feel my eyelids slowly closing, but I forced them open. I could see Edward staring at me, so I decided to try out my new favorite way to use my powers. I focused on his power aura.

What? I asked him.

'You sound exhausted. Just go to sleep.' He told me, annoying me even more.

I completely shut him out of my mind to annoy him. As I relaxed once again, I could feel a wave of tiredness wash over me. I knew it was Jasper, but I was honestly too tired to fight back. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up sometime later in my bed with Jasper sitting next to me, reading. "Morning," I told him, telling him I woke up.

"Well, hello, sleepyhead." He had a stupid grin on his face as he sat his book down. "You've been asleep for a while."

"What time is it?" I asked him, sitting up.

"Oh, it's 10 am, but you've been out for over 24 hours."


"I told you you were tired," he said, laughing at me.

I shoved him before getting out of bed to get ready. He stopped laughing as he slipped off the bed and landed on the floor. "Ow," he complained.

"You deserved that," I told him as I got ready.

From then on, we settled into a new rhythm. It was different being part-wolf part-vampire, but it was a lot more fun. We all also relaxed for the first time in a while. Literally, everything that we had dealt with had been wrapped up.

There was no Victoria, James, or Laurent. The newborn army was gone. Bella wasn't bothering our family anymore. Edward had found his mate, Bree. None of us were going to high school anymore. The pack was on excellent terms with our whole family and spent a lot of time hanging out with each other.

One of those days where everyone was hanging out was when we realized the last big thing about me.

I had been a vampire for a few weeks when Sam realized something. "Can you still phase?" he asked me.

"I would assume so," I told him. "But I haven't yet."

"You should try," Seth said, coming over to join the conversation.

"Be careful!" Jasper yelled at me, not wanting me to do something dumb and get hurt.

I tuned him out, closed my eyes, and focused. I could feel the familiar feeling once again and opened my eyes in my wolf form.

"You look different," Seth said, looking at me.

"Your fur is a little bit lighter," Jasper said, walking over to me.

Emmet and Edward ran up to me quickly. "Race ya," Edward said before taking off into the forest with Emmet right behind him.

I took off after them as fast as possible, which turned out to be really fast. My vampire strength combined with my wolf strength, and I quickly caught up and passed the two boys. I ran for a moment longer than them before stopping in a clearing to wait for them.

As they ran up to me, Edward was sulking.

You're fine. I told him. Don't be such a sore loser.

'Stop making fun of me in my own mind.' He shot back.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now