97- Mom and Dad

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As September slowly started to come to an end, Jasper was stressed out. Alice knew the baby would be born early in October, but she didn't know when. Because of this, Jasper refused to leave my side.

I was sitting on our bed while he ran around the room doing random things in an attempt to calm down. Watching him was amusing, but I was worried he was stressing himself out more than necessary.

"Jazz, you gotta calm down," I told him. "Your running around is stressing me out."

"I'm sorry," he said, sitting down next to me on the bed.

"What are you feeling?" I asked him, leaning into him.

"Can't you feel it?" He teased, wrapping his arms around me.

"I want you to put it into words. I know that helps you."

We sat in silence for a moment while Jasper collected his thoughts. Then he decided on, "I'm scared something will go wrong. I don't want to lose you, and I don't want to lose our kid. I'm just going to be stressed until they're here, and I can see you're both okay."

"Jazzy, nothing is going to go wrong. I've had no complications, and our father is the world's best doctor. Everything is okay."

"I just have a feeling that something is going to happen," he told me honestly.

"Maybe it has nothing to with our kid," I told him. "Maybe it's just whatever life will throw at us next."

Instead of answering, Jasper just sighed dramatically. His worry hadn't decreased, and I  was worried he wouldn't calm down any time soon.

Trying to calm him down, I said the only thing I could think of, "You know you're going to be a good dad, right?"

He tensed as I spoke, and I could tell I figured out what was stressing him out.

I sat up from leaning on Jasper and looked at him thoughtfully. "Jasper, you are going to be a good dad. You're already so good with Seth. You're going to be great with our kid as well."

"Emma," he muttered, looking away from me. "I'm already scared of ruining Seth by doing something wrong. There is so much I could do wrong with an actual baby to mess them up."

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation, and we both turned to see Seth walking in. "Edward told me to come up here," he said cautiously.

"Perfect," I said, patting the bed next to me. "Get over here and help me argue with Jasper."

Seth walked over and sat next to me, asking, "Why are we arguing with him?"

"Don't," Jasper threatened, not wanting to get Seth involved.

I ignored Jasper and said, "Jasper thinks he's a bad Dad."

Seth gasped before diving across the bed to give Jasper a hug.

Jasper quickly wrapped his arms around him, catching him from flying off the bed. "Seth," Jasper said suddenly, "you can't throw yourself around like that; you'll get hurt."

Seth wasn't having it. "You can't say things like that about yourself," he told Jasper. "You care so much, and you're always making sure I'm okay even though your focus should be on Mom, and you're everything I could ever ask for, Dad."

My eyes widened and met Jasper's as Seth rambled. He had accidentally called Jasper and me Mom and Dad for the first time, and it took him a second to realize it.

As soon as Seth realized what he had said, he pulled back and looked at the two of us with wide eyes and a quick explanation. "I didn't mean to call you that. It just came out; I don't have to call you that. I just."

"Seth, shut up and come give me a hug," I told him with a smile, letting him know we weren't upset. Seth sat himself in between Jasper and me, allowing us both to wrap our arms around him. "You can call us Mom and Dad if you want, Seth. We never brought it up because we didn't want to pressure you."

"Of course, I want to call you Mom and Dad," Seth said. "I just didn't want to rush it, and you guys freak out."

"We probably should have talked about it," Jasper said, laughing slightly at the absurdity of our concern for each other.

"Probably," I muttered before pausing over Seth's words. "Seth, why did you think we would freak out if you called us Mom and Dad?"

"Well, I know a lot is going on with you guys and your kid, and you didn't know that you were pregnant when you adopted me, so I didn't know if you wanted to distance yourself a little to be more of a family with your real kid," Seth spoke quietly and fast, his anxiety spiking as he spoke.

"Seth," I sighed, "we would never do any of that. You are part of this family, and you are our kid."

"We would never distance ourselves from you unless you asked us to," Jasper told him. "Get that through your head."

"Whatever," Seth muttered. I could feel his anxiety decrease a lot, and I could tell he felt better than he did.

Whatever came our way, I knew we would be okay. We all had each other to help us get through anything, which was more than enough to get us through any challenge.

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