67- The Newborn Army

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As the sun continued to rise in the sky, we mostly sat in silence on the mountain, just waiting for the fight to start. Seth had phased to listen to the mind link with the pack better, and Seth was going to send thoughts to Jacob for him to tell us what was happening. It wasn't the perfect solution, but it was the best way for everyone to know what was going on.

I sat next to Seth on the ground, running my hand through his fur, when he suddenly whined, letting us know the fight had begun. Everyone turned to Jacob, waiting for him to tell us what was happening, but I kept my eyes on the surrounding forest, just listening to him.

"The army is there," Jacob told us, "but the pack has surprised them. They weren't prepared for that... They're working together just fine."

Seth whined next to me as Jacob muttered, "Oh no."

"What?" Noah asked, scared his siblings were hurt, or worse, Alice.

"One of the newborns jumped on Leah, but Jasper got him off. Both of them are fine."

I zoned out for a moment, wishing I were down on the battlefield with him but knowing he could take care of himself.

"Sam just realized Victoria isn't there." Jacob's words brought me back to reality.

"Which means she's trying to find us," Noah said.

I focused my vision on looking into the forest and see if I could see any indication that she was coming. Seeing nothing, I closed my eyes and focused on sounds and scents.

Then, at the edge of what I could smell, her scent was unmistakable. "She's here," I said, turning to face the others. "And she's coming fast." Then I smelt the other scent with her. "That boy is here too."

Noah took charge of the situation. "Jacob, Seth, hide. You need to be our element of surprise."

"What about you?" Jacob countered, not wanting to leave Bella's side.

"She's probably tracking my scent to get here, but she doesn't know you're here yet," Noah told him. "Now go."

The two scattered, wanting to get the best chance we had at beating Victoria. Before we could do anything else, Victoria and Riley walked into our campsite.

"Victoria," I said, looking at her intently.

"So nice to see you again," she told me tauntingly. "I know you've met Riley before."

I looked over at the boy who was sneering at me. Both were here to kill Bella and me, and I was going to do anything in my power to stop them.

"Riley, you do know she's just using you, right?" Noah yelled out.

His simple sentence caused Riley to look over at Victoria in uncertainty. She responded by simply saying, "They're lying. I love you, and I need your help to get back at them for what they did, my love."

Riley looked back at us with anger and jumped to attack. Noah cut him off in mid-air, and the two started a very intense fight. As they did, Victoria jumped straight at me. I phased as she did, going on the attack immediately.

The two of us tried to hurt the other, while neither prevailed. Then, Jacob ran at her suddenly, throwing her off balance. He got a good cut on her arm, hurting her but not stopping her. The two of us worked together, trying to take her down, but she was strong. She had been outrunning us every time she came; why would that be any different now?

"Victoria! help!"

The three of us looked over at Riley briefly to see what was happening. Noah had him in a chokehold, and he would kill him with one movement. Victoria disregarded him immediately, turning back to Jacob and me. We heard him cry out once more before he was silenced.

Victoria jumped at Jacob and me in anger. Even if she didn't love Riley, she wanted his help in this fight. She threw Jacob back roughly and ran at me. She went to wrap her arms around me and crush me as a newborn would. I tried to jump out of her way, but she was too fast. As I felt her arms wrap around my body, she stiffened at a new smell. I wriggled out of her grasp and turned to see Bella with blood dripping down her arm.

She had cut herself to distract Victoria, but Noah was also now on edge.

In her distracted state, Victoria didn't notice Jacob coming from behind. He jumped on her, knocking her down. As soon as she did, Noah and I raced toward her. In a moment, her screams were silenced as well.

I backed up slightly, realizing I had just killed someone, but I didn't have long to think about it. Seth ran up to us with one thought in his head, Alice needs us at the field right now. The Volturi are coming.

That brought me back to the matter at hand, and without a moment to pause, I ran down the mountain. I figured the others would figure it out and follow behind, but I needed to make sure Jasper was okay.

The woods were a blur as I pushed myself to go faster. Before I knew it, I was back at the field where everyone was standing and waiting. Jasper saw me first.

As I ran toward him, I phased back. I ran straight to him and wrapped my arms around him as he did the same to me.

"You're okay," he whispered, pulling me tighter.

"She was up there," I told him, "and we killed her."

"I should have had you on the field," he told me.

Before I could respond, the others ran onto the field, causing me to turn and look at them. Noah was carrying Bella, but as soon as they walked onto the field, he set her down and ran toward Alice, embracing her as I did with Jasper. Seth and Jacob followed just behind and made their way toward Sam. I looked around and saw everyone was okay, but a newborn was standing next to Edward.

"Who is that?" I asked Jasper.

"That is Bree," he told me. "And Edward is pretty sure she's his true mate."

"Oh," I said happily. "That's so good for him."

"That's what we all said."

Before I could respond, I saw Leah walking away from the pack. I watched her as another newborn jumped out from the forest to attack her. I went to move toward her, but Jasper pulled me closer, trying to prevent me from getting hurt.

Jacob jumped from where he was without a second thought, knocking Leah out of the way but letting the newborn wrap his arms around him.

The rest of the pack jumped into action, but it was too late. Jacob's ribs and probably spine were broken for sure. He phased back as he hit the ground, trying to get away from the pain.

Jasper let go of me as I ran toward him as fast as I could. I kneeled next to him as he writhed in pain. "Oh, Jacob," I muttered, wishing I could take the pain away. Bella and the rest of the pack soon gathered around us. Bella threw herself on him, accidentally hitting his broken bones, making me pull her back aggressively not to hurt him more.

Carlisle ran over to try and help. "His accelerated healing is already kicking in."

"Carlisle, they have to leave now," Alice said. "The Volturi are coming, and they won't honor the truce with an entire pack."

Carlisle looked up at Sam with a devastated expression. "Take him back to the Rez; I'll be there as soon as I can to help."

Sam's only response in wolf form was a nod, but I knew he was grateful. Carlisle picked up Jacob and laid him on Sam's back. Bella climbed on Quill's back, and the pack was gone, Jacob's cries getting quieter the farther they got.

"They're here," Alice said.

I got up off the ground and made my way next to Jasper. I gripped his hand in mine as the Volturi walked onto the field.

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