89- Photos

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We walked into the area Alice had set up for photos. We were going to take them really quickly before meeting up with everyone else. Everyone involved in the wedding was there, as well as a few others I had asked for specifically. Eleazar continued to be the best person ever and set up the camera to take all of our photos.

As Jasper and I walked in, congratulations were thrown out before Seth ran forward ahead of everyone else. Before Seth could say anything, Jasper and I pulled him into a hug.

"Congrats, you guys," he mumbled into our shoulders.

"Thank you, Seth," Jasper told him.

We all pulled away as hugs were shared with everyone quickly before we started taking photos.

First, it was just Jasper and me, posing with each other as we talked.

"I can't believe we're married," I told him.

"Don't tell me you're already regretting it?"

"Of course not." I kissed him quickly to reassure him.


The two of us posed silently for a second with Jasper's arms wrapped gently around me. "Did Seth tell you about his mom?" Jasper asked me quietly, breaking our silence.

"Yeah," I told him. "It's so weird that she's getting with Charlie."

"I agree. I am glad he looks at us that way, though."

"He needs someone in his life who will look after him," I responded. "If he wants it to be us, I'm more than happy to step in."

"Alright!" Eleazar yelled. "Next group."

"Jasper and his groomsmen!" Alice yelled out, no room to question her.

We all moved around. Jasper posed with Edward, Noah, Emmet, and Seth while I talked to others gathered around. I watched as the five boys messed around with each other. Emmet glanced over at Seth a few times to make sure the boy was okay, making me happy. After dislocating his shoulder, Emmet had become more protective of Seth. I was happy they were getting along.

"Emma and her bridesmaids!" Alice yelled, letting me know my short break was over.

I posed with Alice, Rosalie, Bree, and Emily in front of Eleazar when Rosalie started asking me questions about Seth quietly. "Is his mom really getting together with Charlie?"

"Did you not hear him when he talked to me earlier?" I asked her, confused.

"We were trying not to listen in," Bree told me.

Emily sent them a wild look while muttering, "I will never get used to that."

"She is," I told Rosalie, finally answering her question. "So I have a feeling he's going to be staying over every now and then to get away from them."

"He doesn't like Charlie?" Emily asked.

"I don't think that's it. I just don't think he likes her spending more time and attention with Charlie than him."

"Alright, who's next?" Eleazar asked.

"Everyone in the wedding party," Alice responded.

"Finally," Paul joked, running over to us.

We had Jasper and me in the middle with his groomsmen behind him and my bridesmaids behind me. Then, Paul, Quill, Embry, Carlisle, Esme, and Sam gathered around in different places. We all took photos without many conversations, seeing as there were a lot of us.

"Alright, now just the Cullens," Alice said, making all the wolves walk away.

We all gathered closer together and took photos talking very quietly under our breaths.

"Seth seems off," Emmet said.

"He's upset that his mom was hanging out with Charlie before the ceremony and never said hi to him," Edward informed us, reading his mind.

"She seems awful," Bree said.

"That is rude," Carlisle told her. "We don't know her well enough to say that."

"I can read her mind," Edward said, "and she is literally obsessing over Charlie right now instead of thinking about either of her kids or this wedding."

"She is obsessive and awful," Bree decided.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Charlie can do so much better than her," Noah added.

"Someone should warn Bella," I said, glancing over at the girl who was standing next to Jacob a little ways off.

"Next group!" Eleazar told us.

"Jasper, Emma, and the pack!" Alice yelled.

Seth, Quill, Paul, Jacob, Sam, Emily, Rachel, Kim, Claire, and Nathan took the Cullen's place next to Jasper and me. We posed to take group photos for a few minutes when I noticed Jacob glancing to the side.

I followed Jacob's gaze to see Bella uncomfortably standing by herself off to the side. Without thinking, I called out, "Bella, come on."

She looked at me confused, not knowing what I was asking her to do.

I clarified myself, calling out again, "Come join the photos."

Her eyes widened, but she did as I asked. She quickly ran over and placed herself next to Jacob.

"Good thinking," Jasper mumbled loud enough for only me to hear.

"Alright, everyone now!" Alice yelled, attempting to get us all in one photo.

Everyone moved around, mixing in with each other. It was a chaotic mess. We all pressed together with smiles on our faces. After a few serious ones, Emmet decided to jump on Edward's back, prompting Quill and Embry to mess with Paul. Very quickly, everyone was goofing off instead of posing, but Eleazar continued to take photos.

As everyone calmed down, Alice told me she had no other photos planned.

"Wait, I have one more," I told Eleazar as everyone dispersed. I looked around to find who I was looking for. "Seth!" I called out.

He came running immediately. "What's up?"

"Come here," Jasper said, liking where this was going. "We want a photo of the three of us."

"Really?" Seth asked us. "Why?"

"Just get over here," I told him, pulling him by his sleeve.

He stood in front of Jasper and me as we posed together. For what felt like an eternity, all I focused on was the love coming from the three of us. Nothing had ever felt purer, and I was hopeful it was a feeling I would pick up on a lot more.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now