25- Bella Meets the Family

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Days passed as Bella began getting closer and closer to Edward, much to Rosalie's displeasure. Then one day, Edward decided he wanted to bring her home to meet Esme and Carlisle. Eight vampires, a wolf hybrid, and a human alone in a house; what could go wrong?

I sat ion the kitchen counter as the whole family–minus Alice, Noah, and Edward–were helping Esme cook in preparation for Bella coming over.

"What are you doing?" I asked Emmet, watching as he glared at a bowl.

"I'm trying to focus," he told me, not looking away from the bowl.

"Why are we doing this?" Rosalie asked bitterly, stirring something in another bowl.

"Because Edward likes Bella, and we're doing this for Edward," Carlisle told her.

"Yeah, we're making Italian food just for her." Esme had a smile on her face as she cooked.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asked.

"Her name is Bella," Emmet replied as if this was the most obvious thing.

"And remember Emma," Jasper said, coming and sitting next to me on the counter. "Don't eat in front of Bella. She thinks you're a vampire too."

"I know," I told him, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I'm not as dumb as you think I am."

"We know you're not dumb," Esme said. "But don't worry, I'll set some aside for you to eat later."

"Thanks, Esme." After I spoke, I felt Jasper stiffen slightly beside me.

"Oh," Rosalie started saying. "Here comes the human."

I grabbed Jasper's hand, trying to calm him down as Edward led Bella into the kitchen. Carlisle and Esme stopped what they were doing to introduce themselves to Bella.

"Bella, this is Carlisle and Esme, my parents for all intents and purposes," Edward said with a smile on his face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bella," Esme said, keeping a safe distance from Bella as not to freak her out. "We've heard so much about you."

"All good things, I hope," Bella replied quietly.

"Yes, of course," Carlisle said.

I turned to glance at the window as I saw Alice walk across a tree and jump into the house with Noah following behind her. Of course, Alice had to be extra crazy while officially meeting Bella.

"Bella, this is Alice."

Alice walked straight up to Bella and hugged her, breathing in her scent as she did so.

"Alice," Edward said threateningly.

"It's okay, Edward," she replied, letting go of Bella. "We're going to be great friends."

Edward went back to introducing the family. "That's Noah over by the stairs, and you know Emma and Jasper already."

I waved at Bella with my free hand as she looked over at us. "How are you today?" I asked her.

"I'm good," she replied.

"Well, I hope you're hungry," Esme told her. "We made Italian, just for you."

"Oh, wonderful," she said.

"She already ate."

Rosalie shattered the bowl in her hands in anger at Edward's words, causing me to jump slightly.

"Rosalie!" Esme scolded.

"That's Rosalie," Edward said, "just ignore her; I do."

"Yeah, let's pretend this is normal." Rosalie was angry and annoyed, the worst combination.

"Rose," Emmet said, trying to reason with her.

"No, they're public now. She should know that if this ends badly, the whole family will have deal with it."

"By 'ends badly' you mean if I become the meal." Bella's words were so calm. It was strange seeing her so calm while talking about her own death. "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone."

"We know that," Esme said, trying to reassure Bella.

"Why don't I show you upstairs?" Edward suggested, pulling Bella up the stairs, trying to get away from Rosalie.

"Clean that up," Esme to Rosalie as she finished making the food she was working on. "Still want to eat it, Emma?"

"Of course," I said happily.

As I finished eating the delicious meal Esme made, I heard Alice gasp before running into the room.

"Tomorrow, there is going to be perfect weather for baseball. You in?" Alice asked excitedly.

"Of course," I replied before running into the living room where Jasper and Emmet were sitting. "Alice says there's perfect weather for baseball tomorrow, you in?"

"Heck yeah!" Emmet yelled excitedly. "I'll go tell Rose," he said before running out of the room.

"Come on, let's ask Carlisle!" Alice said excitedly.

The two of us ran upstairs into Carlisle's office. "Carlisle!" Alice exclaimed. "Baseball tomorrow?"

"Of course," he said with a smile. "I'll tell Esme, have you told everyone else?"

"Everyone except Edward," I told him.

"And Bella," Alice added.

"You see Bella there?" Carlisle asked curiously.

"Yes," she replied.

"Well then, let's go invite them," I suggested before leaving Carlisle's office.

We made our way to Edward's room, where Alice burst through the door.

"We're all going to play baseball tomorrow, and you both should come," Alice said sweetly.

"Really?" Edward asked before replying, "Oh, okay, sounds good. Now get out."

As we left, I knew his sudden change was because he read Alice's mind and saw her vision of Bella on the field with us.

I made my way to the living room before sitting next to Jasper and leaning into him. He wrapped his arm around me before asking, "So, baseball with Bella in the clearing? And Alice doesn't see anything going wrong?"

"I guess not," I said honestly. "I can't wait."

"Me either."

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