114- A Fair

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Our last few months in Forks were spent spending time with everyone. We had officially decided we would leave after the new year, so everyone made sure the last time we were all together counted.

My favorite trip, however, was one that just included Jasper, Seth, Charlotte, Leah, and Nathan. It was a surprise trip that Jasper and Alice planned to the fair. Alice said there was absolutely no way the sun would come out because there was supposed to be a crazy storm the next day, so it was perfect.

As soon as our car pulled into the fairgrounds, Nathan and Seth were obsessed with the big rides. They kept making comments, but I could tell Charlotte was wary of them. There were a few rollercoaster-type rides and one giant Ferris Wheel in the center.

We got out of the car and made our way into the fair, where Charlotte was immediately drawn to the carnival-type booths. Every pop-up tent had a different game within, and I had a feeling we were about to try and play every single one of them.

Three hours of games later, I was proven correct. All of the kids had made it their goal to win as many games and gather as many prizes as possible. Charlotte won the least amount but ended up with the most prizes because the others would give them to her. Seth and Leah had won a good amount of games and had an equal amount of prizes. Nathan had won the most out of the four of them and had the biggest prizes to show for this. Jasper and I only played a few games, but I had a huge prize because of him.

We were playing a bottle toss game that was supposed to be nearly impossible. A ring had to be thrown and land perfectly on a bottle three times. Because of the terrible odds, our enhanced abilities were very helpful. Some may say we were cheating, but I think of it as using our gifts in a fun way. It also had the biggest prizes in the whole place, and I had decided I wanted one in particular.

The kids tried first.

"Dang it." Seth tried first but threw two of them off the board entirely and didn't land the third.

"Are you joking?!" Leah was next. She didn't land the first two on a bottle and wasted the third throwing it in anger.

"Shoot." Charlotte wasn't even close, but we told her she did a good job anyways.

"Well, that was stupid." Nathan tried to downplay how upset he was that he lost, but I could clearly see he was sad he lost the game like everyone else.

I tried next, wanting to see if I could do it. I managed to bounce all three of the rings off the bottles, but not a single one landed. I pouted slightly, making Jasper laugh at me. "You try," I told him, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's harder than you think."

"I'm sure it is," Jasper conceded, stepping up to try.

He threw all three rings, one after the other, and watched as they all landed. Every single one landed on a bottle, making him the ultimate winner.

"Wow, congrats," the worker told Jasper. "I've never seen anyone do that before. You get your pick for which prize you get."

Jasper pointed up at the top, saying, "I'll take that one right there."

"Sounds good."

The ultimate prize was now ours. It was a giant stuffed snake. It was literally the length of like three Jaspers', making it the biggest prize I had seen. The worker grabbed the huge snake and handed it to Jasper, who gave it to me.

"Here you go." He had a cocky smile on his face as he handed it to me, but I didn't care. It was the best thing I had ever seen, and I loved it.

With that, we decided we had enough prizes to last us a lifetime and took a trip to the car where we left most of the prizes. Charlotte insisted on keeping one with her that Seth had won her, and we were not going to argue with her.

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