64- Training

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After that terrible news, I was glad it was spring break so we could spend our time training to fight instead of going to school. We had four days until the newborn army was going to attack, and we needed that time to prepare.

We headed out as a family to the same field we were at the day before to start training. Jasper and Emmet decided to start sparing with each other while we waited for the pack. The two were laughing at each other while throwing each other around. It was entertaining, to say the least.

Then the entire pack walked onto the field, making Emmet and Jasper stop. As Sam walked up to Carlisle to talk, we all noticed a special someone in the back with Jacob.

"Why is she here?" Rosalie snapped under her breath.

Edward sighed before saying, "Jacob thinks she should be here since Victoria is after her too. He also wants to impress her."

"Of course he does," I muttered as Jasper walked over to me. His joking expression was long gone, and he was suddenly stiff with a frown on his face. "You okay?" I asked him, wrapping him in a hug.

"Just ready for this whole fight to be behind us," he told me.

"Thank you for coming," Carlisle said, addressing Sam. "We appreciate it."

"Even if Emma weren't involved in this, we'd be here to help," Sam told him. "How can we help?"

"Today, Jasper will be sharing with us all he knows about newborns and how to defeat them best," Carlisle answered.

"We'll be mostly watching today," I told Sam from beside Jasper. "We're not much help as humans, but we can learn a lot."

"And there is a lot to learn," Jasper said, stepping forward and addressing everyone. His posture became perfect, his back straight, his hands clasped behind his back, and his face neutral. Major Whitlock had just arrived.

"How do you know so much?" Paul asked, genuinely curious.

"Before I met the Cullens, I was a major in a vampire war in the South. I was forced into some, situations and knew no different way of life. Because of that, I know a lot about newborns and how to defeat them."

"How are newborns different?" Sam asked him as he stepped back in line with the rest of the wolves.

"They are new vampires." Jasper took center field as he spoke, mainly addressing the wolves and Bella, who had never heard this information. "In the first few months after our transformation, we are at our strongest. Human blood still runs in our veins, making us stronger, faster, and wilder. I have had experience with newborns, so I know the best ways to stop them. Two things are crucial to beating them: never go for the obvious kill, and if they wrap their arms around you, they will crush you." He glanced over at Emmet once again. "Don't hold back."

Emmet simply smirked before saying, "Not in my nature."

The two ran at each other once again, all playfulness gone. They looked like they were fighting to kill, though I knew they weren't. Emmet and Jasper threw punches and dodged at incredible speed. Jasper threw Emmet back, angering him. In retaliation, Emmet ran full force into Jasper, who ducked, flipped, and forced him to the ground, signaling Jasper as the winner.

As Emmet got up, Jasper told him, "Never lose focus." He made his way back over by me as Carlisle and Edward stepped up to fight.

As the two oldest, Edward and Carlisle had experience fighting. They both went on the attack and tried to throw the other to the ground. Jasper slowly walked around them, trying to see what they were doing, and Edward slammed Carlisle to the ground with a smirk.

As Edward looked up, Jasper said, "One more thing."

Carlisle quickly got up and threw Edward to the ground before Jasper continued saying, "Never turn your back on the enemy."

Rosalie stepped up, wanting to take on Jasper. The two fought aggressively. Jasper grabbed her arm, but she flipped over him, freeing her arm. As she landed, Jasper swept his leg out, knocking her onto the ground. As Jasper helped her up, Alice and Noah took their place.

Watching Alice fight was like watching a dance. No matter what Noah tried to do, Alice was already out of his way. He threw a punch; she dodged and zoomed somewhere. He stood his ground for a moment, looking around to try and find her. Much to our surprise, she dropped out of a tree and landed around his shoulder. The two shared a look before Noah helped her to the ground.

"I want to fight," I told Jasper as he walked past me.

"You are not fighting right now," he told me, walking over to Sam.

"Thank you, Jasper," Sam told him. "That was helpful."

"I'm not sure how you fight, but I figured I could give you the basics, and you could adapt," Jasper told him.

"I've got some ideas that I think will work." Sam sent Jasper a small smile as he spoke. "We'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," Jasper told him.

"See you tomorrow, Major!" Seth yelled out jokingly, following Sam away from the field.

Jasper tensed slightly as Seth spoke, but he forced himself to smile and respond, "See you tomorrow, Seth."

As they disappeared from view, Jasper's smile dropped as he walked back toward the house, not waiting for anyone. I quickly jogged ahead of the family to catch up to him. Without saying a word, I matched his pace and took his hand in mind. His back was straight, and his face neutral, but he seemed to relax slightly as we made our way back to the house.

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