Chapter 12

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A few days after they visited the police station, Isabella finally received a call. It was the head officer wanting to inform her that they have searched through Anthony's apartment space and found a similar type of pills as what she described in her testimony. He was not arrested, though. They needed to run some tests to prove it was indeed drugs before they would have the permission to lock him up.

He got away with it. For now.

Isabella had been doing fairly better after her major breakdown the other day. Thankfully, Anthony has been keeping his distance from her after the police visit and didn't cause any problems, which was a big help to her recovery. She was getting back on her feet and the smile was slowly taking its place back on her face.

Isabella and Casey stared spending almost every day together outside of the project meetings, which for now were put on halt given Isabella's unpleasant situation. Looked like the redhead's dark confession and Casey's undying will to help had brought them closer than what they had expected. Casey finally opened herself up a little and allowed herself to speak more, though it was mostly only around Isabella.

Today, Casey was supposed to officially meet Holly. The older girl kept insisting on it since she found out Isabella was spending time with someone new and wanted to see if they would ring her 'danger' radar just like how Anthony did before. She didn't want to put her friend through another heartbreak after she found out about the break up.

They were supposed to meet behind the university building after the last class finished. Casey was already walking towards the destination when she turned the corner and saw a scene that easily made her blood boil. Isabella was in the beloved company of Anthony, who was screaming at her with all his might while holding her fragile arms in his crushing grip. Isabella was desperately trying to free herself from him. She tossed and turned, tried to push his chest and kick him as the tears glided down her cheeks. He showed no mercy.

Casey was scared exactly of this. Anthony looking for his unjustified revenge after he knew he was exposed and probably going to jail. She had no idea of what he was capable of. Casey saw red. She dropped her bag on the ground and sprinted towards the scene.

"You went to the police!? You wanna play dirty, huh, you little bitch?!" he lifted his hand the intention to hit her.

"Anthony, stop!" Isabella pleaded in return.

Casey crashed her body on him with a great force, sending him straight to the ground. Unfortunately, she was too late. A partial hit landed on Isabella's now red and bruised cheek. She stumbled down, crying harder as the pain spread around.

"Isabella, get out of here! Now!" Casey screamed at her as she walked towards him.

Anthony tried to get up but Casey sent her foot flying to his face, successfully bringing him down once again and disorienting his mind for some seconds, in which she was able to struck a few more hits at him. He tried to punch and kick Casey on a few occasions, but she was definitely smarter than him.

Just as he swung his arm, Casey grabbed his elbow and turned him around, face down the pavement. She held his right wrist with her left hand and brought it all the way between his shoulder blades, making him scream in total agony, just as what he deserved. With her right hand she tangled her fingers in his brown hair and pulled hardly, turning his head to the side so he could have a good look at her rage-filled face and wild eyes.

Casey leaned in, her breath hitting his disgusting face as she spoke. "You feel that?" she pushed his hand further up, making his scream again. "I'm not scared to bring your hand even further up that you could see your own palm hanging from the top of your head. You better behave, little boy. That confidence is a little too much for you. Don't think you are very big of a man by hurting and using girls as toys.

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