Chapter 26

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The walk around the mall for the past few hours with hands full of heavy bags wasn't the most pleasant experience for Casey. They stopped by every store the Watson women saw, not missing to buying something that caught their eye. The bags just kept multiplying until forever. The only chance for a quick rest they got their hands onto was the lunch they had in one of the inside restaurants before having to carry it all back through the long way towards the car.

Once they reached the house, Casey immediately slumped on the couch to regain her strength while Isabella and Ava started working on the Christmas dinner in the kitchen immediately after getting home. If she thought about it more throughoutly, Casey didn't notice them complaining about being tired from the long walk. Looked like prolonged shopping sprees were something usual for the mother and daughter.

Timothy asked Casey for some help with putting on the belated Christmas decorations they bought for the house, so she quickly obligated without protesting. She needed to make sure she left a good impression on Isabella's parents in order to earn their trust faster.

"So, you and Isabella are still not dating?" Tim asked all of the sudden as he reached up to the edge of the roof and attatched the lights carefully, the ladder he had stepped on slightly shaking under his feet from the struggle he was faced with.

"Yes" Casey hesitantly answered. She had no idea where this conversation was headed towards.

"And why is that? Did she or you do something wrong? I thought you two love each other"

"That's the problem, Tim. That neither of us did anything to take the next step. I guess we haven't really found the perfect time yet"

"But do you plan on doing so, or you two will just stay in this friends-with-benefits kind of relationship?" Tim asked as he descended the stairs of the ladder before moving it a couple meters to the left and climbing up again.

"I'm planning on doing it, tonight actually. I just need to find the right moment" Casey followed behind him and watched as he worked, handing him the next set on lights that needed to be attached.

"Well, good luck. I know she'll definitely say yes, so let me ask you that notorious question once again. What are your plans for my daughter, Casey? Will you take your relationship with her seriously?"

"Of course I will, Tim. I'm not a person who usually gets involved with other people in any way and the fact that I want an actual relationship with Isabella alone should show I'm being completely serious with my intentions. For my plans, I don't have anything specific, I guess. I just want to give her the best I can, to make her as happy as possible until I'm able to. I want to give her good memories of a relationship that would erase the old bad ones she had made before"

"Would you eventually marry her and start a family together?"

"Well, I think that's a little too far fetched for now given that we are not even in an official relationship yet. Though, if life decides that we are good for each other and if the spark stays always the same, I would gladly make her my wife one day. But there is a lot of time until then and many things can happen so I don't want to make any plans and hopes that could get crushed later"

"Why are you saying that?"

"Because I'm realistic, Tim. We are still nineteen, still too young. How many early relationships like this one have actually reached a happy long-lasting marriage? Very little. We have so much more to experience and so many more people to meet, so who knows what can happen.

We could be okay now, but after some time something could come up that would brake us apart. I may screw something between us or she may fall out of love with me and leave me for someone better. I never exclude those kinds of scenarios because they are more real than most people stuck into their little fairytales think. Real life is a bitch and it's hard to win against it"

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