Chapter 19

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The next early morning Casey was woken up from her peaceful happy slumber by a few loud knocks on the wooden bedroom door. She groaned slightly as she tried to push her body up from the soft mattress and drag herself towards the intruder. Her eyes refused to open, her mind refused to work. The sleepless night she had earlier definitely wasn't reflecting well on her morning mood.

Just as she was falling into dreamland once again, a new pair of knocks - this time even louder - echoed through the quiet room. Casey forced a sleepy eye open and checked if it didn't wake Isabella up. But the redhead was cutely cuddled in the duved, blanket pushed up just under her nose, her small fingers peaking from the edge where she pulled it up and fell asleep immediately after without letting go. A few strands of hair fell over her closed eyes and Casey brushed away the need to fix it.

She still looked as perfect as always.

The sudden memories of last night's event crashed into her head and she remembered the pure euphoria she was put through once Isabella said yes for the date. A smile stretched on her lips. She would have never imagined they would be to that point some day. The fear Casey had, though, was that Isabella could have seen her sad face after her prolonged silence and said 'yes' just to not hurt her friend. What if she didn't feel anything for Casey? What if it was just a friendly date for her?

Another sets of impatient knocks sounded through the room, making Casey jump from the bed completely annoyed and stomp towards the door.

"Yes, Holly! What it is?" She said a little harsher than needed as she closed the door behind her.

"Wow, someone is not in the mood, huh?" Holly chuckled.

"How can I be? You woke me up from my sleep early in the fucking morning with your annoying impatience. I'm still barely functioning. And you could have woken up Isabella too" Casey crossed her arms and leaned on the doorframe, letting her body relax and eyes close.

"Early? Girl, it's almost eleven and you are still sleeping. Did you two do something last night to be so tired?" Holly said teasingly, the smirk in her voice going easily unnoticed by Casey.

"Yeah, you have no idea. I'm sure Isabella will tell you everything later" Casey said sleepily, not understanding what Holly was trying to tease her about.

"Wow, I definitely don't need to know any details. I just came here to wake you up" Holly laughed and held her hands up defensively. "Me and Carly made breakfast. Grab Isabella and come" she snorted at the double meaning of her words, which Casey again didn't understand, and marched towards the kitchen.

Casey turned around and walked back into the room, rubbing her sleepy eyes in the process. She layed on the bed, close to Isabella, and looked at her innocent figure. Even in her sleep she was still the most beautiful woman in the world, Casey thought. She gave her squishy cheeks a few gentle pokes, hoping she would wake up without much resistance.

She stirred in her sleep. "Five more minutes, please" Isabella said with her small sleepy voice, trying to weakly slap Casey's hand away from her face.

"Time to get up, princess"

The redhead's eyes quickly shot open at the extremely sexy sound of Casey's raspy morning voice. She was immediately met with her face smiling down at her, just a few centimeters away again, black eyes peaking between her barely open eyelids, finger still stroking her cheek gently.

"Good morning" Isabella breathlessly whispered, widening Casey's smile.

"Good morning to you too. Breakfast is ready, we should get down soon. Or does the princess wants her food in bed?" they laughed together.

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