Chapter 24

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After barely getting a drop of sleep, Isabella was again getting ready to head out and meet Holly before classes started. She couldn't wait to tell her everything that happened the night before. She excitedly skipped down the stairs, gave her parents a chaste kiss on the cheeks and flew out of the front door where her best friend was already waiting.

"Good morning, Holly!" she happily sang, doing little jumps as she made her way towards her. She felt extremely energetic that morning, even with the huge lack of sleep.

"Good morning! Well, look at you glowing. What did Casey do to you last night?" Holly laughed at the huge smile covering Isabella's face that didn't leave since the night before.

"Many things, Holly, many amazing things"

As they walked towards the university, Isabella took her sweet time to go through all details of her date, bragging about how thoughtful Casey was and how she made sure they would have a great time even with a simple date plan. She told her about their game and the way Casey was so sure of her win before they started, just to end up losing.

"You really hit her with the ball?" Holly laughed.

"Yes, but it was an accident. I didn't mean to cut her lip"

"I can bet she told you her famous line"

"Maybe try kissing it so it heals faster'' Isabella mocked. "Of course she did, she wouldn't miss the chance. I went and kicked her ass in the game later, even though she clearly let me win. I guess she saw my sulking face and decided to make me happy instead of getting the win. Overall, it was such an amazing night. It was more than perfect" Isabella said with a dreamy look on her face.

"You both have it bad, I see, horribly even" Holly chuckled. "She beat Anthony in one more category?"

"Of course she did, is that even a question? She is everything he never was, times it"

"I can see that. So, what did you do after the game?"

Isabella's heart skipped a beat at the memory of the small hill and everything that happened at its top, especially the mind blowing kiss.

"She took me to a really gorgeous place just outside of the city. We sat down and watched the peaceful view in the distance. Casey told me that it was her escape place, somewhere she goes when she wants to be away from everything and everyone, when she just wants to think or let something out of her chest. That was also the place she first admitted to herself that she was in love with me. Can you believe it?" Isabella sighed. "Oh, she also asked me to marry her" she casually said, making Holly almost choke on her own saliva.

"She did what?!"

Isabella laughed. "She was joking, of course, but she almost got me a heart attack. Once, I asked her to throw away the ring that Anthony gave me. She said my hand looked really plain and empty after that so she decided to 'fill the gap left after him' and gave me this" Isabella lifted her hand up to Holly's eye level and showed her the beauty of the jewelry.

"Wow, it's gorgeous. She really knows your taste. So thoughtful of her"

"I know. But the best part hasn't even came yet"

"There is more?"

"Yup" Isabella said with a huge smile. "We kissed!"

"You kissed?!"

"We kissed!" she squealed loudly.

"Fucking finally!" Holly almost screamed. "Izzy's got a girlfriend, Izzy's got a girlfriend~" she sang cheerfully and did a clumsy happy dance.

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