Chapter 18 : Into the Deadlands

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THE NEXT DAY came too quickly for the Konishi girl. After their abrupt and sudden greetng with Anko MItarashi - the second proctor - they were dismissed for the day, seeing as it was nearing dusk. After the written exams, Ursa met up with Tadashi and Hisato, smiling at each other's strong wills to endure the psychological warfare that Ibiki put them through. With that done, Ursa dismissed herself from her momentary team and met up with her real team. 

The ravenette congratulated them on passing, making a teasing comment to Naruto about his encouraging outburst at the end. 

"Great words of encouragement, Naruto. It's almost like you knew what was going to happen," she smirked, softly jabbing her elbow to his side. 

The blond genin laughed, propping his arms behind his head. "Believe it, Ursa-chan! I knew from the very start! Nothing gets passed me," he smiled. 

"Cha! Yeah right! You were shaking throughout the whole test! You knew nothing," Sakura yelled, puching his head. 

"Ow! What was that for," Naruto cried out.

"For being clueless," the Haruno huffed, crossing her arms. 

Ursa shook her head at their antics, but smiling nonetheless. To her. Team Seven was like a family to her. Sakura being the sister she never had or wanted, but happy that she did, even if they got along like water to oil. Naruto was like that brother she couldn't help but support and admire, a ray of sunshine in her darkened world. Sasuke, even though they were in rough patch by not talking, he was like the brother that was her best friend, so alike yet so different. And Kakashi, he was just like that one weird uncle. 

Ursa turned to her fellow Kunoichi. "So, I assume you raced through the questions, huh Sakura? Turns out that book smarts actually came through in the end. No wonder you're called the brightest genin in our class," the ravenette compliments. 

Sakura smiles at the rare kind words from Ursa, blushing as her heart fills with pride. 

"Hmph! Who hit your head during the exam," Sakura shouted, turning away to hide her reaction. 

The Konishi girl chuckles, moving forward to softly jab the Haruno with her elbow. 

The blossom haired girl turns to the taller girl, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Huh, that reminds me... Ursa, how did you do during the written test? And your new teammates, how were they like?" 

That's when Ursa knew that she had to lie about it. By means, what would she say? I wrote all the answers but I don't remember how, or if it even possible. She, herself, didn't know how that came to be. Afterall, she has a missing window of thirty minutes from her memory. The closest thing she could recollect is, focusing for the test, concentrating, then waking up from a dazed state thirty minutes later. 

"I actually answered some of the questions myself, like the decryption, that one was easy. Along with the question about trajectory. The others, I simply cheated from the ones sitting next to me. Cheating is easy if you know how to do it, just don't make it so obvious, you know? As for my teammates, they're cool enough. Older by two years, maybe three, but they're clever enough to give me useful advice about what and what not to do. Which reminds me..."

Ursa turned towards her three teammates, her expression serious. "I heard what that guy Kabuto said. Yes, he gave you enough data, and information about your competition," she says, locking her purple gaze with Sasuke's dark one. "But remember, everyone in this exam is your enemy. This guy may be from the Leaf, but that alone doesn't make him trustworthy. Just watch yourselves and don't drop your guard. That's my advice to you since I'm not going to be there to watch your backs," she told them, looking between the three of them. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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