Chapter 9: More Training, More Moos!

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Crack My Heart by Tonight Alive

Chapter 8: More Training, More Moos!

So, I was right! Sakura is, and will always trump us in chakra control. Though, that may be because she has a small reserve compared to us, the other three. Me, well, I just started experiencing this thing called catra - I mean, chakra. So, of course, I'll be lagging behind the rest.

Anyways, Poison Release, now that's why I didn't keel over and die of some failure in my body. The release itself is a combination of Water and Yin chakra. Kakashi says I've always had these two, but Wind is my superior chakra, that's why I noticed it first.

Besides, pushing all that to the side. I'm here in the clearing of the forest where we're doing our training, sitting on the grass and watching as both Naruto and Sasuke are racing, well trying to race to the top. Though, let's face it, they suck!

Well....I'm way worse than them!

Ugh! Why is climbing trees such a hard thing!?

So, I ignore Sakura's own exhausted state and get up from my seat spot. Pushing myself up, I pant in complete tiredness, but still stand anyways. Well, that's before I see a blob of orange walk in my peripheral vision. Turning my head, I follow Naruto with my lilac gaze and see him walk towards Sakura. Though, that's before he crouches besides her now seated position.

Ahh, the chakra simplification talk. Oh, Naruto trying to get the advantage in Sasuke, I muse, smirking.

But my amusement halts when I feel someone's presence coming up from behind me. Turning my head, I spot a physically exhausted Sasuke before I fully turn my body to face him. I don't need to follow his gaze to know that he's looking at Naruto asking Sakura for help.

So, I cut him off.

"The problem with you is that you're getting too flustered with your emotions and that's complicating your focus on your chakra. There's also the fact that you're using too much chakra and that's why it keeps pushing you back. So, relax, don't let your competition with Naruto distract you, and use a smaller and steady amount of chakra instead. That's how you'll get to the top more faster," I state, explaining it to him while using my hands as I talk.

He just blankly stares at me before nodding. "Hn, thanks."

I smirk, "you're welcome, my ray of sunshine."

In response he glares at me for the nickname. I laugh it off as he walks away, grumbling and pouting. Though, as he returns to his place, I smile fondly at him, I don't know the reason behind the smile, but I just am. Maybe because here in this world, he's the only friend I have, without him, I'll be completely alone.

Alone. Back in the real world, that was something I looked forward to, but here, the sound of being alone makes me feel empty. Why is it so different, I ask myself, mentally frowning.

Pushing these thoughts out of my head, I tighten my hold on the kunai Kakashi gave me before glaring at my tree. Focusing on my chakra, I concentrate on the soles of my feet and feel as the warm, tingly, sensation reaches my feet. Not wasting a second, I run up my tree.

Feet instantly connecting with the tree trunk, I nervously smile as I keep running up. As I get higher and higher, the palpitations of my heart begin to beat faster. Though, my dear of heights, well more like dear of falling, comes to an end when I see that I passed my last checkpoint. Gaining the confidence, I keep concentrating on the chakra in my feet and keep running up. Though, it doesn't last long when I start feeling my feet to lose their traction.

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