Chapter 2: The Beginning

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DISCLAIMER: Still don't own Naruto.

Chapter 2: The Beginning

Ursa's POV

After the academy, I did what the Hokage asked me to do and went to his office. Once, I was there, he gave me enough money to last the whole month and a set of keys to the apartment I'll be living in. He also informed me that he'll be keeping a close eye on me and my actions, which means that a squadron of Anbu members will be watching me from a distance.

I don't really mind that I'm under security because I'm not the type to do anything illegal, I'm pretty boring. I'm the calm rather than the crazy.

Besides after I left the Hokage to do his paperwork, I went to the store and bought clothes. Guess what color. If you guessed black, then you're correct. Black clothing is what I live for, it goes with everything and it makes you look like a bad ass.

Anyways, right now, I'm getting ready for another day at the academy. Life must hate me because in my real world, I just finished school and now in this world, I'm going to school again. It's not like I have something against school itself, it's just that I don't like the people in the school. They're too annoying.

Dressing myself for the day, I run my pale fingers through my curly pixie cut and sigh. Turning my head to look at my alarm clock, I frown.

Time for school, yipee!

Exiting my bedroom, I go to the kitchen and grab an apple for a quick, simple breakfast. On my way to the front door, I grab the keys from the side table and exit my apartment. Locking the door, I slip the keys into my pocket and walk towards the academy.

Once I'm on the street, I take my apple and start eating it. Minding my own business, I ignore the running Shinobi who pass by me in a hurry. Well, that's until one of them bumps into me. With surprise, I drop my only source of breakfast. Clenching my jaw, I glare at the older ninja.

"Watch it," I growl, glaring murderously at the Chunin.

"S-sorry," he stutters before running away to do who knows what.

"Sorry," I mock him as I cross my arms. "Stupid ninjas and their stupid apologies. Now I don't have food," I huff.

Proceeding with my walk towards school, I watch as the crowds of Shinobi become more noticeable. Looking closely, I see that it's not only Shinobi who are crowded around, but villagers as well. And they all have one thing in common, they're all angry.

But why?

Fortunately, my question gets answered as I hear a loud, boasting laugh. Looking up for the first time, I finally notice the graffiti decorated faces of the past Hokages. Awe fills me as I look at the art, since I've always been a sucker for art, then I deadpan because it's so stupid.

Really Naruto, really, I facepalm.

"Hey! Stop causing trouble," one of the Shinobi yells. Soon others join.

"Stop doing this," one exclaims.

"You'll pay for this," he shouts angrily.

"Look at what he did," one of the villagers cries out.

Hearing them from where he is, Naruto swivels around. "Shut up, you morons! None of you would be able to do something like this! But I can! I'm incredible," he exclaims with a grin.

Yeah, incredible. More like an incredible dumbass, I nod, crossing my arms.

Ignoring the situation, I walk the short distance from the Hokage mansion to the academy since I don't want to be late. Maneuvering through the tight crowds, I finally reach my destination. Walking into the building, I remember the route from yesterday and get to class. Not as shy as yesterday, I walk in without a care.

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