Character Bio

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Name: Ursa

Surname: Ko

Name Meaning: Bear of Peace

Age: 13

Height: 4'11

Weight: 83

Looks: Black wavy hair in a pixie cut. Purple eyes. Pale, but slightly tan skin. FLAT chested. Slight curves, but barely. Impassive look or scowl always on her face.

Outfit: Mesh tank top. Black crop top jacket with a high collar. Black capri pants. Mesh underlines. Black shinobi boots that reach above her shins. Bandages on her right thigh along with a kunai holster. Weapon pouch on the right and left side, strapped to her waist. White Leaf Hitai-ate tied around her forehead.

Personality: Antisocial. Socially awkward. Doesn't trust anyone. Avoidant. Keeps to herself. Mean. Blunt. Kind to people who deserve it. Pessimistic. Closet Fangirl. Lazy. Patient. Calm and collected most of the time. Smart, not genius. Insomniac.

Likes: Dark, spooky, and beautiful things. Sweets. Spicy food. Tea. Collecting flowers and painting them black. Weapons, especially if they're sharp. Reading. Drawing. Walking. Sleeping(when she can). Windy weather. Rain. Cats.

Dislikes: Happy and Smiley things. Affection. Attention. Annoying people. Stupid people. People in general. Talking. Abuse of any kind. Clingy fangirls. Hot weather. Exercising. Cheesy romantic moments. Dressing girly. Long hair. Not having money. Obnoxiously and insanely bright colors. Insects of any kind. Dogs. When her sketchbook has no more blank pages. When her books are taken away.

Hobbies: Drawing. Reading. Walking. Staying up for long hours. Training(sadly). Collecting flowers. Collecting weapons. Eating. Ignoring people. Punching fangirls. Creeping people out. Mentally debating with herself.

Chakra Nature/Release: Wind and Poison

Skills: Ninjutsu
Chakra Control

Weapons: Kunai
Paper Bombs
Smoke Bombs
Jutsu Filled Scrolls
Black Giant Fan

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