Chapter 1: Where Am I?!

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DISCLAIMER: Don't own Naruto, but I own this youthful story!

The music is just what I listen to when I'm writing the chapter. You don't need to hear it.

Chapter 1: Where Am I?!

Ursa's POV
I wake up with a startled gasp, my body jolting with alert. Looking around, I realize that I'm outside. Fresh air kissing my skin, warm rays of the Sun gently caressing my body, blades of morning dew grass stabbing my skin. I see that I'm in some sort of clearing as towering trees surround me. The beautiful tune of a bird's chirping song fills my ears. Sitting up, I look around in confusion.

Where am I?

Why am I outside?

I nearly scream when I spot a face directly in front of me. With pure instinct, I punch whoever in face, making them groan in pain as they fly away. I quickly stand up and finally realize who I hit.

More like where I am.

"Gai sensei!"

I hear a miniature blob of green exclaim in worry. I stare wide eyed at the scene. I look at the two people in shock, confusion, I don't know.

This isn't real!

I must be in a dream!

Or in heaven!

I probably died in my sleep because that's something that would most likely happen to me since I'm too lazy.

I can't be in Naruto! That's impossible!

I look down at my hands and find that they're animated and not fleshy and realistic. I look more closely at my surroundings and notice the change of detail. I could feel my heart increase its pace and my chest start to tighten.

This isn't real!

This isn't real!

How'd this happen?!

Then instantly I flash back through my memories, remembering how this happened. My laptop's power cord electrocuting me as I placed it into the outlet. Tripping and hitting my head against the desk. Bleeding out on the carpet. Dying.

But why am I here?

I should be dead like any other regular person, but NO, I got transfered into my most favorite anime. Can't be a coincidence.

Huffing out with logical confusion, I cross my arms over my chest. Well, more like nonexistent chest. Eyes wide once again, I look down at my body.

No boobs!

No curves!

Small torso!

Short legs!

Small hands!

I internally freak out when I realize that I'm not in my eighteen year old body, but in a preteen body.

What the fuck?!!!

I grip my short hair in confusion, but also in anger. I angrily huff, exhaling through my nose, glaring at the grass with pure hate.

I don't want to be a fucking teenager! I just escaped that angst filled chapter of my life!

Why's this happening to me?!

Just when I had my life set and ready for a career I was passionate about!

Life must hate me!

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