Chapter 3: Teams? Hooray!

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Chapter 3: Teams? Hooray!

Ursa's POV
After graduation day, I would have celebrated with eating food, but one, I didn't want to spend money and, two, I was too lazy. So instead of going out to celebrate, I stayed inside and read all day, well, all night. So I didn't sleep that night either. But hey, at least I took my Shinobi profile picture. No smile of course, just a plain stoic look.

To say I'm tired would be realistic, but seeing as I have chronic insomnia, staying up for several nights in a row is normal for me. So, right now I'm eating an apple as I walk to class. Feeling the warm rays of the sun on my skin, I recoil in disgust.

Ugh, hot weather, my arch nemesis.

Eating the rest of my apple, I frown in distaste as the sun starts to rise higher into the sky. Walking faster to avoid the sun, I reach the academy and quickly slip inside.

Once inside, I cringe at the amount of people. Ugh. To make it worse, they're all happy and giggly. This is the life of a pessimistic antisocialist. Always hating on the happy people and shiny things of life.

Glueing myself to the wall, I avoid all the newly found Genin and walk towards class. Halfway towards the classroom, I hear the sound of an incoming stampede. As it grows closer, the hall seems to shake as their running steps near.

Glaring at the situation, I detach myself from the wall and turn around. Turning the corner, both Sakura and Ino are running shoulder to shoulder as they try to race to class. Fangirls. Standing in the middle of the hallway, they continue running towards me. Closing my eyes, I clench both hands and make two fists. Opening my purple eyes, I glare at the incoming duo.

15 feet.

I take an offensive position.

10 feet.

I raise both of my hands.

5 feet.

I give a sadistic smirk.


Drawing back my fists, I punch both girls in the stomach as they run into my closed fists. Since they were both running, the impact is much more greater. Dropping to the floor in breathless pain, I stand up straight and drop my hands to my side. Turning around, I continue towards my destination. Looking over my shoulder, I smirk at their withering bodies.

"Did no one ever tell you? Don't run in the hallways," I say before looking away.

Well, at least I'm happy now, I smirk.

Reaching the door to the classroom, I step inside and see the students wearing their newly acquainted headbands. Looking towards my seat, Naruto sits in his seat with a big grin on his face.

That's right, he stole the scroll and beat Mizuki after creating a thousand clones of himself. Hence him graduating.

Still with a smirk etched in my face, I walk towards my seat and sit between Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke does nothing at my presence, but Naruto looks at me in confusing.

"Uh, who are you," he asks, eyes squinted.

Kawaii, but really?

"The new kid. Ursa," I deadpan.

"Oh, right," he says, his eyes still squinted in confusion.

I scoff, slightly smiling. "Anyways, congrats on passing. You've earned it," I tell him.

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