Chapter 14: Revelation

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Just Exist by Eliza & The Delusionals

Chapter 14: Revelation

THE NEXT DAY came sauntering around the corner like a skipping go-lucky flower girl. Ursa despised it. Ever since the interrogation and being deemed 'innocent' her mood turned completely sour. Much more so, when she had to stay in that room on her free day, answering questions and going over the recollected memory. If she was negative before, now she's subzero.

Her jaw was constantly setting and clenching as she grinded her teeth together. Her hands clenched and unclenched into fists. Ursa wanted to punch something over and over again.

To make it even worse, she was still confused. What memories were real? Which were altered? Was her past life all fake? If so, then why does she know everything about this world? The constant whirlwind of questions kept her awake, which made her even more sour.

So, as she waited by the door, Ursa listened to Naruto as he exited his apartment. What surprised her was that he walked towards her door, so close that it seemed that he was going to knock, but he never did. He hesitated and left. Sighing, Ursa hits her head on her apartment door, not wanting to go outside. She wants to bury herself in a deep dark hole and live there for the entirety of her life. Sighing once more, Ursa willed herself to leave her comfort zone.

Walking down the apartment stairs, she sneers at the bright sun and glares down at the dirt ground. Usually, she would eat an apple to make her mornings more tolerable, but being so mad she couldn't even think about stomaching her favored snack. Clenching her hands repeatedly, she stomped towards her team's meeting place, kicking a few stray pebbles.

She pictured them as the people she currently loathe.

It didn't take long before she reached their rendezvous point. She was met with the sight of Naruto glaring at Sasuke, the latter ignoring him. Sakura stood to the side of them, throwing them glances every now and then. The sight of them being so nonchalant irked her already pissed mood.

As if sensing her plummeting negativity, the trio turned to her. Naruto's eyes sparkled when he saw his teammate standing before them, glad that she wasn't guilty after all. Sakura sighs dejectedly, her hopes of being the sole Kunoichi on their team crash and burning - though, not that she'll ever admit, she is relieved that Ursa is free of charge. Sasuke reacted with nothing, however, he immediately noticed his friends sour disposition - her mood darker than the clothes she's wearing.

"Hey, Ursa-chan," Naruto greeted with his dazzling smile.

The said girl glanced at him and immediately looked away, glaring at the floor. With this, Naruto's smile faltered as he threw a confused look towards the other two. Sakura and Sasuke said nothing, the former shrugging her shoulders. Crossing her arms, Ursa stood like a pole, tense and straight, as she directed her harsh gaze to the river beneath them.

"So, Ursa, what happened," Sakura questioned, finding the courage to speak to the glaring girl.


"What did they do to you?"


"Did they question you? What did they ask?"


"Are you not allowed to talk about it? Is that why you're not talking to us," the Haruno continued to pester.

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