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DISCLAIMER: I don't and never will own Naruto, because I'm a bum with no life.


Listening to music through her earphones, Ursa let the lyrics fill her ears as each song was blasted at high volume, silencing the world around her. Right now she was working on a drawing, well more of a design for a future tattoo. The drawing was of a black branch, on this branch are roses. The rose on the middle is a dark gray and the rest are lighter gray, blending towards a white and the two roses on the end are stark white. The leaves are black, giving the tattoo a contrast.

Right now she's shading the rose petals, humming along with the song. The idea of the tattoo is that one end will start at the bottom of her ribs as the other ends at her upper thigh. With a few more minutes of sketching and listening to multiple songs, Ursa finally finishes her design. Popping her wrists and fingers she looks down with a content smile.

Closing her sketch book, she stands up and dances to the music, moving her body with the beat. Ursa only dances in her room, never in front of people who could laugh at her if she makes a mistake. Heck the idea of being around people makes her cringe. She was a person who kept everything to herself. She doesn't trust anyone. For example, she never made that special bond with her siblings or parents, she was a loner and she liked it that way.

In her ears the song 'Moves Like Jagger' by Maroon 5 played at its highest. She smiles as she dances and sings along to the lyrics.

Unbeknownst to her, her door slams open and walks in her older brother. He strides up to her and rips the ear buds out of Ursa's ears, making her stop in shock.

"Would you shut up," he demands, "I can't concentrate with you screeching like a demented banshee! And stop dancing, the whole building's shaking with your elephant steps," he insults before walking away.

"Screw you, asshole! Nobody cares about your stupid video games except you and your idiotic friends," Ursa bites back.

"Fuck off, bitch," he yells, slamming her door shut.

"JERK!" She insults. "I always hated you," she mutters, looking down.

As her chest feels empty with negligence, she frowns and turns around looking for something to do. Her eyes gaze upon her laptop which is powered off with the lack of battery.

Sighing, she walks up to her desk grabbing both the power cord and her laptop. With the items in her hand she walks to her purple beanbag and sets the laptop down. Lastly she takes the charger and connects it to the laptop. Taking the other end she walks towards the nearest outlet and bends down.

Taking a breath, she plugs in the charger.

Unfortunately, as she plugged it in, the outlet exploded in sparks. With her hands still on the charger, electric volts kiss her skin making her scream in pain.

She quickly lets go and stands up to back away, but with the cord wrapped around her legs, she trips and falls back.

But with her luck, she fell and hit the back of her head against the corner of her desk.

Pain erupts in her head as her skull cracks open. She falls to the ground with blood gushing onto the white carpet, painting it red. Her vision going blurry and out of focus, she could hear the music blast from her iPod.

'Sleep baby sleep
What are you waiting for?
The morning's on its way
You know it's just a dream.

Oh, sleep baby sleep
I lie next to you.
The beauty of this mess is that it brings me closer to you.

I could be the one to give you all that I am.
With a gentle touch and a foolish love
You could be the one to carry all my troubles away.
With the words you say, all I need to hear so,

Sleep baby sleep

And with that, Ursa closes her eyes as pain throbs through her head, letting the darkness envelope her.

Well, that was the Prologue. It was short, I know, but it gave you the idea of what happened.

Well, don't forget to





JA NE, My fellow Narutards!

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