Chapter 4

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Megan Watson's POV

My eyes flutter open and I rub my eyes, stretching. I glance at the clock, which tells me it is nearly 11 o' clock, and pull back my blankets. I get out of bed and walk over to the kitchen. I open one of the presses before remembering that we didn't buy any food. I sigh, taking one of the glasses that the hotel provides and pouring myself a glass of water.

"Mm, Meg?" mumbles a voice from beside me. Delilah sleepily trudges over to me, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah?" I say before taking a gulp of water.

"What's for breakfast?" she asks sleepily.

"I dunno yet, we have to go out for breakfast," I tell her. She nods and walks over to the wardrobe to pick some clothes.

I pick out some clothes - deciding on a striped white t-shirt with elbow-length sleeves, shorts and red vans - and walk into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I take my knotty hair out of the messy bun it is in and step inside. Hot droplets of water fall on me as I take a shampoo the hotel provides and wash my hair. A few luxurious minutes later, I step out of the shower and dry myself, and putting on my selected clothes. I put my wet hair in a ponytail and go into the main room where Delilah is watching SpongeBob on TV. I smile and apply concealer, eyeliner and lipgloss.

"Ready to go?" I ask Delilah.

"Yup," says Delilah, popping the 'p', and turning off the TV.

We go out and decide on eating at McDonalds, I know, healthy breakfast, huh? Then Delilah suggests we go to the pool.

"Sure," I agree. We leave McDonalds and head back to the hotel. We slip on our swimming stuff. My bikini is plain and ocean blue. Delilah's swimsuit is black with multicoloured spots on it.

"Let's go!" Delilah squeals after finishing applying her sunscreen. I smile and we head out to the hotel pool.

The warm sun bounds down on us. Delilah excitedly walks down the steps to the pool.

"Jump in!" She calls once in the pool. I smile and shout, "CANNONBALL!" before jumping into the pool.

Delilah laughs as I resurface.

We swim around for a while and then go back to the hotel room. The time is now 1:43pm. About 4 hours till we meet the boys, at 6pm, followed by the concert at 6:30pm. Delilah and I decide to watch some movies, until two hours before the concert. Delilah changes into her One Direction t-shirt. I stay in the clothes I'm in and root for the One Direction album I had been given by the boys. I'll ask them to sign them, for Delilah, or maybe one of my friends, although I don't think any of them are fans. I make sure I have the tickets and backstage passes securely in my pocket.

I take my hair out of the ponytail and brush it thoroughly. I look in the mirror at my appearance. We leave the hotel and wait for a taxi. Soon, a taxi arrives and we get inside. I take out a ticket and read out the destination for the driver. He nods and begins to drive. During the journey, Delilah never stops smiling and keeps squealing in excitement.

We get out of the taxi and pay the driver, with little less than 10 minutes till we meet the boys. I begin to get excited, even if I don't especially like the band.

We show the security guard our V.I.P tickets and backstage passes and a separate guard leads us backstage. Delilah continues beaming as we stand backstage. I spot the boys, as does Delilah, who squeals. They spot us too and walk up to us with broad grins.

"Hey guys," greets Harry with a smile, then he looks at me, "Your the girl from London, right?"

How does he remember that? "Yes," I nod, "That's me."

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