Chapter 59

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Megan Watson's POV

I nod, biting my lip as I watch him walk to the front of the car, before lifting up the hood of the car, obviously looking at the engine. After a minute or two, I decide to get out too, walking to the front of the car and beside him.

He stares down at all of the different items, his eyebrows furrowed in a way that is, to be honest, really cute.

"Have you got any idea what you're doing?" I ask, laughing lightly.

He looks at me, a small smile appearing on his face as he says with a laugh, "Honestly? No clue."

I laugh, "Thought so." We stay silent for a moment before he breaks the silence, saying, "I'll just try again, yeah?"

I nod, and he walks back to the driver seat, sitting down and breathing out, "Right," before starting the car, this time actually succeeding.

His eyes light up, shock evident on his face, obviously expecting it not to have worked. He looks up to me, smiling, "It worked!"

I laugh lightly, getting back into my seat, "No kidding."

He laughs, before starting to drive again to wherever the next part of our date is. I can't help but smile at the fact that I'm actually on a date with Niall, and continue smiling throughout the conversation we have till we arrive.

When he stops the car, parking it, I look out the window to we are parked at a posh looking restaurant.

"Are we..?" I ask, looking at the restaurant.

"Eating here?" He asks, grinning proudly, "Sure are."

"You're so cute," I comment, it sort of just blurting out.

He raises an eyebrow, looking at me funnily before saying, "Thanks, I guess?"

"It's a compliment," I say, before we unstrap ourselves, and Niall gets out first, going around to open the door for me, which I thank him for. He takes my hand again, as we start to walk towards the restaurant. When we reach the glass doors, he pushes one open with his free hands and lets me walk in before him, before following me in.

The lady behind the desk immediately spots us, walking out from behind it as if the other customers in line don't matter, saying a few words to Niall with a smile on her face, before a waiter comes over and brings us to a table separate from the others, in a very dimly lit room, the table illuminated by a candle.

We sit at it, thanking the waiter as he hands us a menu each before leaving.

"Here we have the candle," Niall says randomly, gesturing towards the candle between us, "to.."

"Burn your face with," I say, causing Niall to suddenly burst out laughing. I laugh at his loud laughter, before saying, "Niall."

He continues laughing, before I say again, "Niall." He still laughs, obviously finding my joke extremely funny for some reason, "Calm down. Niall. Jesus, are you okay?"

He shakes his head, his laughter finally dying down, as he wipes his eyes, before jokingly saying, "Yeah. The candle's there to prevent PDA, y'know? Try to kiss, and bam, your face is on fire."

I laugh at his joke, as does he, before we realise we have to order, and look at the menu.

"Whatcha getting?" Niall asks after several moments of us looking at our menus, looking at me over the top of his menu. He smirks ever so slightly, still not getting over the joke.

"Hm." I furrow my eyebrows. "I dunno. What about you?"

"I dunno. That chicken soup thing or whatever it is sounds good though," he says, to which I nod. The waiter comes back, taking our orders, and I end up just getting the exact same as Niall, not knowing what to pick.

The Lucky Pick  // One DirectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ